CLFC Student Council Meeting

CLFC Student Council Meeting

News CLFC Student Council Meeting CLFC Student Council MeetingHsin-Tzu JenSeptember 27, 2022 CLFC GA Hsin-Tzu Jen (left) briefing the agenda to the CLFC Student Council members and CLFC Director Prof Jiang for this semester The first Chinese Language Flagship Center Student Council meeting of Fall 2022 was held on September 27, 2022. The meeting was attended in-person by Director Prof Song Jiang, GA Hsin-Tzu Jen, Molly Wolyn, Maysa Segovia, Monica Mau, Cara Tan, and Noelani Lommasson. Madeleine Lynch joined the meeting remotely. During the meeting, the CLFC staff and council members went through several organizational and developmental issues at hand, brainstormed promotional strategies, proposed arrangements for social events such as an overnight camping trip, and other future plans.
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Chinese Slang Words & Memes

Chinese Slang Words & Memes

News Chinese Slang Words & Memes Chinese Slang Words & MemesHsin-Tzu JenSeptember 26, 2022 Molly Wolyn and Monica Mau (from left to right) introduced popular Chinese slang words and memes to the participants After two weeks, the second Chinese Corner, held on September 26, 2022, with a theme of Chinese Slang Words & Memes. This Chinese Corner was organized by Student Ambassador Molly Wolyn and Student Assistants Monica Mau. During the event, Molly and Monica introduced some of the most trendy Chinese slang words and memes to the participants and invited them to create their own Chinese memes. At the end of the event, every participant voted for the most successful memes, and the winner was awarded a prize!
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Mid-Autumn Festival Chinese Corner 2022

Mid-Autumn Festival Chinese Corner 2022

News Mid-Autumn Festival Chinese Corner 2022 Mid-Autumn Festival Chinese Corner 2022MonicaSeptember 12, 2022 The attendees formed small groups to prepare for the quiz at the end of the event The first Chinese Corner of the Fall 2022 semester was held on September 12, 2022 at Moore Hall 120. There was a turnout of about 25 participants, the majority being Chinese-major students from the regular BA program and the Chinese Flagship BA program at the University of Hawai’i at University of Hawai’i at M?noa (UHM), along with teachers from the Chinese department and friends from the UHM community.The event began with a warm welcome from our Student Ambassador Molly Wolyn, followed by a presentation from the CLFC GA Hsin-Tzu Jen about the history of the Mid-Autumn Festival and some cultural stories.…
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CLFC Welcome Back Bash

CLFC Welcome Back Bash

News CLFC Welcome Back Bash CLFC Welcome Back BashOrion YoungSeptember 5, 2022 CLFC Associate Director Prof Li Julie Jiang briefing upcoming Capstone cohorts of important deadlines The Chinese Language Flagship Center (CLFC) Director, Prof Song Jiang, Associate Director, Prof Li ‘Julie’ Jiang, the Program Coordinator Orion Young, and the GA Hsin-Tzu Jen led an orientation on September 5, 2022, welcoming current students and several incoming students – 23 students in total. Seventeen attended the event in person, held at a Center for Language and Technology multimedia conference room, with six other student attendees joining via Zoom. The other Chinese Flagship students who could not make it were sent the presentation slides, and goodie bags were handed-out as an afternoon snack for all in-person attendees.All three UH ROTC programs’ commanding officers…
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