Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Internship?
- What are the advantages?
- What kind of jobs do interns do?
- Do interns usually get paid?
- How do students benefit?
- Where do I get additional information?
- Provides relevant work experience while the student is in school
- Part-time during the academic semester and/or full-time during the summer break
- Work can be short-term with emphasis on on-the-job training
- Help students explore and learn first hand about your company’s industry and related careers.
- Ability to identify potential employees
- Obtain staff assistance for ongoing or special projects
What kind of jobs do interns do?
- Hire interns for short term key projects e.g. tax season, holiday, and summer experiences.
- Real world work experience in their career interests: administrative, engineering, computer, business, architecture, communication, marketing, fine arts (museum), horticulture, health & medical fields and many more.
- At this time, the Manoa Career Center support employers offering paid internship opportunities. Employers wanting to recruit students for unpaid internships can inquiry directly with UHM departments who may offer academic credit for unpaid internship experiences.
- Gain hands-on experience and apply classroom learning in a professional environment
- Explore career opportunities in a short term commitment
- Network with professionals
- Gain valuable work experience
- Develop new skills
Where do I get additional information to participate?
- Go to and create an employer profile.
- Email or call 956-7007 for Internship assistance.
Still have questions?
Email or call 956-7007 for Internship assistance. Go to sece and create an employer profile.