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Picture of Kaipulaumakaniolono Keala

Kaipulaumakaniolono Keala

Class of 2022: Playwriting & Directing

Where are you from?

Kahaluʻu, Oʻahu

Thesis Production:

He Leo Aloha (Playwright, Director), 2021

Additional fun fact:

He Leo Aloha encouraged me to imagine the potentials of a vibrant and distinctly Kanaka Maoli way of being in the world today, which was distinctly characterized and evaluated by the character’s ability to recite and embed themselves in a traditional symbolic network derived from moʻolelo, mele, ʻōlelo noʻeau etc. I still hold this same line of argumentation in my dissertation research, which is a project that seeks to articulate more precisely what a substantial Kanaka Maoli being in the world is today.

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