AEP Seminar – Henk Rogers

[Announcement] Henk Rogers from the International MoonBase Alliance, LLC will give a virtual talk titled: “How to Build Moon Bases” on Thursday, October 15, 15:00-16:00 HST.

Abstract – The time for humans to return to the Moon is upon us. This time we will not just go to the moon to collect some rocks and to leave only footprints. This time we will build permanent settlements and colonize the Moon. Our plan is to enable the building of international Moon settlements. There are numerous space agencies, companies and research institutions working on building rockets that will carry payload to the moon but what we do when we get there has mainly been focused on small scale rover based exploration. It is high time we started the work of designing and building human lunar settlements. The idea is to gather all of the space agencies, companies and research institutions to work in one place where they can combine forces and robotically build prototype Moon structures and landing pads on Earth, with the goal of creating robots that will be sent to the Moon to create human settlements. The group of participants who will carry out the Research & Development is called the IMA (the International MoonBase Alliance).

About the Speaker – Henk Rogers is one of the world’s leading advocates and activists for permanent human colonization of the Moon and, eventually, Mars. He is the founder of the International MoonBase Alliance, which has brought together the most prominent, progressive and ingenious scientists, futurists, engineers and business people from the private sector, government agencies, universities, and research labs to make space colonization a reality. The International MoonBase Alliance is already developing a prototype base in Hawaii that will serve as a platform for developing the necessary technologies and standards for the eventual MoonBase. Henk’s vision for the initial MoonBase is a spaceport built robotically on the Moon long before the first settlers arrive.
Henk is also proud to serve as chairman of the Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems (PISCES), a nonprofit organization working to bring the business of space exploration to Hawaii. HI-SEAS, a Mars-like habitat on Mauna Loa that NASA uses as a research facility, is one of PISCES’s most prominent projects.
Henk is perhaps best known among video game enthusiasts who know him as the founder and chief executive officer of Blue Planet Software, which owns the worldwide rights to the Tetris franchise. Tetris is one of the most popular video games in history, with more than 35 million units sold for the Nintendo Game Boy alone. Raised in Holland until age 11, Rogers spent his teen years in New York City. He went on to study computer science at the University of Hawaii. He currently resides in Hawaii with his wife, and they spend as much time as possible with their beautiful children and grandchildren.

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