Using a network of friends to develop edible home gardens for one family’s home at a time for everyone within the network to enjoy!
Home Garden Network (HGN) is developed in response to common issues most of our families experience–lack of time, lack of knowledge and skills, and/or lack of inspirations to get our edible home garden started. This project thus uses a network of families to develop edible home gardens for one family’s home at a time for everyone within the network to enjoy their own fresh green plants. Through gardening activities, families are then growing, learning, sharing and healing together.
How It Works
- A network of 3-5 families you create on your own.
- Families taking turns to help each other gardening.
- Garden maintaining meeting (at least 1 time).
- Families could bring their own home-cooked food to share during meetings.
- Families germinating seeds for future participating networks.
- Families engaging their children in gardening.
- Families potentially sharing produce with friends and families.

Keiki Agriculture Grows
The HDFS program has developed a series of online guided gardening lessons that both parents and keiki can enjoy.