Please visit the page for our newest VIP team. They are now accepting applicants for Fall 2022. UH Energy and Sustainability
Spring 2022 Poster SessionApril 8, 3:30 to 5 pm
Thanks to all the presenters and attendees for a great event! Congratulations to the award-winning posters! (See the Spring 2022 Poster Session page for more details.)
Fall 2021 Poster SessionNov. 2, 4 to 5:30 pm
Thanks to all the presenters and attendees for a great event! Congratulations to the award-winning presentations! (See the Fall 2021 Poster Session page for more details.)
New team for Spring 2022Monet: Millimeter-wave Communication and Sensing Integration
Please visit the page for our newest VIP team. They are now accepting applicants for Spring 2022. Monet: Millimeter-wave Communication and Sensing Integration
New VIP Success StoryEliesse Hihara
Check out our new VIP Success Story featuring Eliesse Hihara. She is currently an M.S. student in the Green Technologies program at the Univ. of Southern California.
Welcome to Fall 2021Welcome to a new academic year!
Our VIP teams are accepting new students this semester. If you’d like an introduction to VIP, see the VIP Students page, or the Incoming Students College of Engineering page. You can also view a short intro video.
Congrats, Aerospace Technologies team!Second-place finish in national rocket competition
Congratulations to the Aerospace Technologies team on their second-place finish in the Friends of Amateur Rocketry competition!
New VIP Success StoryGeorge Zhang
Check out our new VIP Success Story, featuring George Zhang, who’s now an engineer at Apple!
New Teams for Fall 2021Robotics for Space Exploration, RadGrad
Please visit the pages for our newest VIP teams. They are now accepting applicants for Fall 2021. Robotics for Space Exploration (RoSE) RadGrad
Spring 2021 Poster Session
Spring 2021 Poster Session is online-only, due to COVID-19 restrictions. Voting for Best Poster Award closes at 5:00 PM on March 31. Check out the latest work by our teams here and don’t forget to vote for your favorite team.