Call for Papers
to the Journal of Indigenous Social Development
The Journal of Indigenous Social Development is now managed by the University of Manitoba. You will still be able to access past issues on this site but for updated submission guidelines and for contact information, please visit the new site.
The peer reviewed, biannual online Journal of Indigenous Social Development (JISD) is dedicated to improving social welfare practice and expanding knowledge relevant to indigenous peoples and the communities in which they live. All JISD articles will be published exclusively in this open-access electronic journal.
The JISD aims to:
- Bring to light new paradigms and conceptions of social work practice and research in the service of indigenous peoples worldwide and the communities in which they live.
- Provide a forum for scholars and community practitioners committed to approaches which re-empower indigenous ways and sustainability practices.
- Establish connections between social workers, interdisciplinary practitioners and diverse disciplines committed to sustainable practices benefiting mankind.