Category Archives: Policy

Bring Your Own Bag (BYOB) at Paradise Palms


If you had lunch or coffee in Paradise Palms last week, you may have noticed a large banner that states “Bring Your Own Bag.” Every door at Paradise Palms also has a new sticker proudly claiming that the … Read the rest

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Report on a plastic-free UHM

During Spring, 2014, five undergraduates (Ileana Argyris, Wyatt Bartlett, Cheuck Ng, Alyse Rutherford,  and Alex Young) completed a report on the issues related to the University of Hawaii at Manoa campus becoming (single use) plastic free.  The report contains the … Read the rest

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UHM bans styrofoam

styrofoam-banThe University of Hawaii at Manoa has implemented a new policy on sustainable food products that phases out the use of styrofoam on campus.

The approved policy encourages the use of reusable and compostable products, and it bans EPS foam … Read the rest

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Draft Sustainable Food Service Products 040213

Prepared by: OVCAFO – Draft
Revision #3
Date: April 2, 2013




The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM) seeks to advance environmental stewardship and sustainability … Read the rest

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1st Annual Sustainability in Higher Education Summit

summit-banner-2The purpose of the 1st Annual Sustainability in Higher Education summit is to establish a statewide and UH System sustainability agenda that will provide individual campuses with a framework for commitments and support campus efforts to move from vision to … Read the rest

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UHM Sustainability Policy Statement (October, 2012)

The University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (UHM) campus has a rich history of research, curriculum development, and stakeholder activism on issues of sustainability. The 2003 UHM Sustainability Charter outlined nine broad areas of commitment that have since been embraced widely … Read the rest

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ASUH and GSO pass resolutions supporting sustainability

The following resolution was adopted by ASUH during Spring, 2012.  The same resolution was also adopted by GSO.  Sam King was a principal author of this resolution.

ASUH Resolution Supporting Sustainability:

WHEREAS, In the prior FY2011 UHM electrical costs were … Read the rest

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UHM Strategic Energy Plan 2012

The strategic energy plan identifies over $66M in potential energy efficiency and renewable generation projects, energy savings of over $37M per year.

Read the full report here.… Read the rest

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Hawaii must become national leader in sustainability

By Virginia S. Hinshaw and Stephen E. Meder

Hawai‘i must lead the way in sustainability and the reasons are many.  Hawai‘i is more dependent on electricity generated by fossil fuel than any other state in the nation. We have the … Read the rest

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UHM Energy Strategy 2008-2015

The University of Hawaii Energy Strategy 2008-2015 document outlines challenges and responses to UHM’s energy issues.

See the full document here.… Read the rest

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Green House Gas Report for the University of Hawaii

The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UH Mānoa) is one of several institutions within the University of Hawai‘i System. Our inventory was carried out for the operations of the main campus of the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM). There … Read the rest

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Green Building Design and Clean Energy Policy

The Green Building Design and Clean Energy Policy was first offered to the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM) campus community at the UHM  Chancellor’s Energy Summit on October 24, 2006. At this event Interim Chancellor Denise Eby Konan  announced … Read the rest

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UH Manoa holds sustainability retreat

The UHM Campus Sustainability Retreat was a full day session held at the Wai`loli Tea Room in Mānoa on September 16, 2005. The purpose of the retreat was three fold: to identify work in the various areas of sustainability currently … Read the rest

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UH Manoa helps develop Hawaii 2050 plan

The Hawaii 2050 Sustainability Task Force was created to answer the following questions: What do the people of Hawai‘i want for the future of our islands in the 21st century? What is the community’s will for the future of our … Read the rest

Posted in Architecture, Climate Change, Conservation, Education, Energy, Food, News, Policy, Recycling, Research, Water | Comments Off on UH Manoa helps develop Hawaii 2050 plan

Campus Master Bicycle Plan

The goal of the Campus Master Bicycle Plan is to increase bicycling as a form of safe, routine transportation to and around campus for faculty, staff, students, and members of neighboring communities. The UHMBC proposes incentives for bicycle use through … Read the rest

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About Hawaii Energy Policy Forum

The Hawaii Energy Policy Forum is a collaborative forum for sharing ideas & information, recommending & advocating policies & initiatives, and promoting civic action to achieve Hawaii’s preferred energy future.  It has created a 10 point plan to meet Hawaii’s Read the rest

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UH Manoa adopts charter of sustainability

The UH Manoa charter of sustainability, adopted in 2003, involves 9 strategic goals:

  1. Use energy wisely
  2. Practice sustainable water use
  3. Minimize negative impact on the land
  4. Create sustainable buildings
  5. Promote alternative transportation
  6. Minimize material waste
  7. Adopt green purchasing policies
  8. Enhance
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Posted in Architecture, Climate Change, Conservation, Education, Energy, Food, News, Policy, Recycling, Research, Water | Comments Off on UH Manoa adopts charter of sustainability

About the Landscape Advisory Committee

The Landscape Advisory Committee promotes an attractive, appropriate, and sustainable campus environment with a Hawaiian sense of place that encourages and fosters positive academic and social interactions.

For details, see the website.… Read the rest

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UHM Long Range Development Plan

The 1987 UH Mänoa Campus Long Range Development Plan (LRDP)
was commissioned to provide an organizing vision for the campus and to
guide subsequent development in a manner so as to address and correct
the deficiencies which were apparent after … Read the rest

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