Mark Hixon

The Hsiao Endowed Chair in Marine Biology at UH Mānoa, Mark Hixon was recognized in 2004 as the most cited author on coral-reef ecology in the United States. He is an Aldo Leopold Fellow and Fulbright Senior Scholar and has served as chair of the Ocean Sciences Advisory Committee for the National Science Foundation. His TED Talks and TV appearances have covered a range of ocean topics.


Thursday, October 3, 2019, 6:30 pm
Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Regency Ballroom

Sponsors: College of Natural Sciences, College of Social Sciences, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Conservation International, Hawai‘i Community Foundation, Resources Legacy Fund, Royal Hawaiian Resort, Scholars Strategy Network, Sierra Club of Hawai‘i, Surfrider Foundation, Sustainable Coastlines, The Nature Conservancy, UH Alumni Relations

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