Joshua Green

josh green

Josh Green is a local physician, husband, and father of two. He was born in Kingston, New York, and grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He received his bachelor’s degree from Swarthmore College and completed his medical training at Pennsylvania State University and the University of Pittsburgh. Upon finishing his residency, Green joined the National Health Service Corps and was stationed in Hawai‘i in 2000. He thus began his life’s work as a family and emergency room physician in rural hospitals and clinics on Hawaiʻi island (Big Island). In 2004, Green was elected to the Hawaiʻi State House of Representatives, and in 2008, he moved to the Senate. Dr. Green was named “Hawai’i Physician of the Year” in 2009 and “Hawaiʻi Legislator of the Year” in 2013. After serving as lieutenant governor from 2018 to 2022, Dr. Green became Hawaiʻi’s ninth governor in 2022.