Fig 1. Parrotfish help cycle matter by expelling fine-grain coral sand on a tropical reef at Palmyra Atoll. Palmyra Atoll is in the center of the Pacific ocean basin.
Image by Ingrid Knapp
Students develop an aquaponics system to model the movement of matter within in ecosystem.
Each miniature aquaponics model represents an ecosystem in a bottle that can be used to observe small scale processes that translate to larger environments.
Through exploration of the aquaponics system, students investigate ecosystem connections between the cycling of matter and energy transfer.
The activity below draws from the content in the page Ecosystem Cycling. |
Fig 1. Parrotfish help cycle matter by expelling fine-grain coral sand on a tropical reef at Palmyra Atoll. Palmyra Atoll is in the center of the Pacific ocean basin.
Image by Ingrid Knapp
Animals take in matter when they eat and lose matter when they poop (Fig. 1).
How does matter cycle through the ecosystem?
Create your own mini aquaponics system in a bottle and observe the relationships between organisms.
Note: Hydroponics is the method of growing plants in water (without soil). In comparison, Aquaponics is a system that combines aquaculture (the growing of aquatic animals, like fish, snails, clams, etc.) in combination with hydroponically grown plants.
If you haven't already played the aquatic food chains game, check it out on the bottom of this page: Ecosystem Cycling!
Note to teachers: This aquaponics-in-a-bottle activity is a simple model using a recycled 2L bottle. You can can adapt the activity to build a larger or more complex aquaponics system. To connect the hydroponics activity to this aquaponics one, click the activity extension below, which will guide you through procedures to set up an alternative system in a two-part series. You will first establish a hydroponic system in a larger tank. You will then add fish to the system to create a more complete and cycling ecosystem. |
Important Note to the Teacher: Invasive species concerns: It is important to dispose of organisms (plants, fish, snails, etc) properly so that native habitats are not harmed. If appropriate, you can return organisms to the place where you caught them, but do not release organisms bought from the pet store into the natural environment. The release of pet store guppies is likely the reason for their presence in Hawaiian streams and their negative impact on native species: Please see for guidance on aquarium disposal. Care of living organisms: This activity involves observation and experimentation with small fish, which are vertebrates. Consideration of proper, humane care of vertebrates is important. Provide explicit guidance for students to develop an understanding of and value for life and living organisms. The fish must be provided with appropriate daily care so that they remain healthy during the course of the experiment and should not be subjected to pain or discomfort. Students need to be supervised by a teacher that understands the safe and responsible use of animals in the classroom and who understands and follows Hawai‘i Department of Education policies and other relevant regulations. Teachers must develop and implement a plan for the future care of the fish and other organisms following the study. (Adapted from the National Science Teacher Association’s 2005 Position Paper: “Responsible Use of Live Animals and Dissection in the Science Classroom”) Proper care of small fish, like guppies includes:
If students take their aquaponics-in-a-bottle home: Make sure that students and their families are aware of the type of organisms that are coming home, their required care (do they need to take home fish food to keep the fish healthy?), and the proper disposal procedures (can they go back to a local stream, or are they from a pet store and need to be treated differently?). For further information regarding current policies and regulations in Hawai‘i: Contact the Science Section of the Instructional Services Branch of the Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Support at the Hawai‘i Department of Education. |
*NOTE* The procedural steps call for letting your water sit, rocks soak, and rinsed plant roots soak for 24 hours. You can do all these steps at the same time before you start constructing the aquaponics-in-a-bottle.
Fig. 2. A serrated bread knife works well for cutting large plastic bottles. Cut your bottle at the so the lower aquarium portion will have a bit of curvature at the top.
Image by Kanesa Duncan Seraphin
Fig. 3. A small drill bit was used to make a hole in the top of the bottle cap.
Image by Kanesa Duncan Seraphin
Pull your plant roots gently through the hole in the bottle cap (Fig. 4a and 4b).
Some of the roots will break off. That is okay!
Fig. 4a. A basil plant and roots before pulling the roots through the hole in bottle cap.
Image by Kanesa Duncan Seraphin
Fig. 4b. Basil plant with roots pulled through the hole in the bottle cap.
Image by Kanesa Duncan Seraphin
Fig. 5. This style of bottle does not have ridges. Skewers are used to hold the top portion in place.
Image by Emily Sesno
Fig. 6. Complete aquaponics-in-a-bottle with aquarium rocks, a small fish, and a basil plant.
Image by Kanesa Duncan Seraphin
Note: In nature, the cycling of matter between producers, consumers, and decomposers allow the ecosystem to thrive without external input. However, since this system is small and will likely not represent all aspects of a natural ecosystem, you will still need to feed the fish and water the plant to ensure they are getting enough energy.
Matter |
Consumer |
Decomposer |
Primary Producer |