Congratulations to Ms. Chinatsu Tomita from COS!

March 12, 2016

Okinawa International University’s Institute of Ryukyuan Culture announced that Ms. Chinatsu Tomita has been awarded the Kubo Noritada Ryukyu-China Relations Research Promotion Award. The first recipient of the Kubo Noritada Ryukyu-China Relations Research Promotion Award was Dr. Mamoru Akamine of the University of the Ryukyus. A translation of this work into English will be published by the University of Hawai‘i Press later this year.

University of Hawaiʻi and University of the Ryukyus meeting in 2014 --Dr. Mamoru Akamine is third from the right.

University of Hawaiʻi and University of the Ryukyus meeting in 2014 –Dr. Mamoru Akamine is third from the right.

“Our Library Staff has been Awarded Kubo Noritada Ryukyu-China Relations Research Promotion Award” 

Ms. Chinatsu Tomita has been awarded the Kubo Noritada Ryukyu-China Relations Research Promotion Award held by Okinawa International University’s Institute of Ryukyuan Culture. This award is given to acknowledge the work by Ms. Tomita who focused on the tributary ships between Ryukyu and China. The research was conducted in order to reconsider the process and characteristics of the selection of people who were sent to China, as well as the low-class crews in the tributary system between China and Ryukyu in Qing Dynasty.  

The award aims to recognize the work of scholars who reside in Okinawa or scholars who are from Okinawa in order to contribute to the study of relations between Ryukyu and China (including Taiwan). The eligible candidates are scholars who are under 45-years old and who present excellent research. Award ceremony and reception will be held at the Okinawa International University on March 11.  

Ms. Tomita comments, “It is my great honor to see my name following the senior scholars who previously received the award. I would like to thank all the professors who guided me, family members, colleagues, friends, as well as many others who supported my research. I would like to continue my research in the area of tributary ships and their relations to people’s lives in Ryukyu step by step.”

The dissertation paper is available for public review on the University of the Ryukyus’ Repository.

“Study of Ryukyu Kingdom’s Tributary System: Examination of People’s Mobility in the Tributary System in Qing Dynasty –with a focus on kahu 家譜 (family record)-“(

このたび、附属図書館職員(沖縄資料担当)の冨田千夏さんが、沖縄国際大学南島文化研究所が主催する「第20回窪徳忠(くぼ・のりただ)琉中関係研究奨励賞」を受賞しました。  これは、中国の清代における中琉関係上の進貢制度を、接貢船を視点の基軸においた「船隻毎」の分析を通じて、渡唐役者の人員配置の特質や下層乗務員の琉中往還の特徴をとらえ直すことを目的とした研究によるものです。

同賞は、琉球と中国(台湾含む)の関係やその比較研究に従事する、沖縄在住の研究者あるいは沖縄県出身の研究者の研究を奨励 し、この分野の研究の発展に寄与することを目的としており、原則として45歳以下の優秀な研究業績を発表した研究者に授与されます。贈呈式および祝賀会 は、3月11日に沖縄国際大学で行われる予定です。

冨田さんは「歴代受賞者の先生方の末席に名前を連ねさせていただき、大変光栄に思っています。これまで指導してくださった先生 方、家族や職場の皆様、友人達、多くの方々のご理解や協力、ご助言があっての受賞と感じています。今後も渡唐船と琉球の人々の関わりについて、地道に研究 を進めたいと思います」と話しています。


『琉球王国接貢制度の研究 : 清代における「接貢」に関わる人々の往還の分析 – 家譜資料を中心に-』

Ms. Tomita gives a talk at exhibits at the library.
Ms. Tomita smiles with a good news.
Ms. Tomita smiles with a good news.
Ms. Tomita gives a talk at exhibits at the library.


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