COS Lecture Series talk “Okinawan Identity Formation and ‘Traditions’ in a Diaspora: Views of Hawai‘i’s Okinawan Performing Artists”

April 2, 2013

EVENT DATE/TIME/LOCATION: April 28, 2013, 1:00pm, Center for Korean Studies Auditorium

Please join us on Sunday, April 28 at 1pm for the COS Lecture Series talk “Okinawan Identity Formation and ‘Traditions’ in a Diaspora: Views of Hawai‘i’s Okinawan Performing Artists.” It will be held in the Center for Korean Studies Auditorium. Guest panelists (Grant Murata, Keith Nakaganeku, Kenton Odo, and Allison Yanagi), who are all accomplished Okinawan performing artists in Hawaii, discuss their thoughts/views on Okinawan identity and tradition. Dr. Christine Yano will be the moderator.  Please see this flyer for details.

Parking is free on Sundays and is available in the Center for Korean Studies parking lot, Kennedy Theater parking lot, or streetside (along East-West Road or Maile Way). Visitor parking map:

We hope you will join us for the engaging discussion!


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