Calyptocarpus vialis, straggler daisy, prostrate
lawnflower. Prostrate weedy
herb from Southern Texas to Central America with tiny yellow flowering heads and tiny
fruits, each with two awns at the summit. Location: Very common, waste areas and weedy
lawns. Easily confused with Synedrella nodiflora, which is a
coarser, more robust species also common in weedy areas on campus. |
Canna indica, Cannaceae canna, Indian shot.
Upright herb from tropical America, now naturaized widely in the tropics,
including moist lowland forests in Hawaii. Leaves large, flowers bright
red or yellow, fruits swollen, warty, about an inch long, containing black
globose seeds strung into lei and used in rattles. Location: St. John
courtyard. |
Canna x generalis, Cannaceae, hybrid canna |
Capsicum frutescens, Solanaceae, bird pepper, nioi. Scarcely
distinguishable from C. annuum L., an herb or small shrub from tropical America where it
has been cultivated for 4,000 years. The ornamental peppers, tobasco, paprika, cayenne,
and bell peppers are all varieties of this latter, highly variable species which is also
found in cultivation in Hawaii. The fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C and are
often used medicinally in the tropics. Location: EW Center Dorm garden; garden plot
Diamond Head of Krauss Hall. |
Cardamine flexuosa, Brassicaceae, bittercress. Small herb from
Eurasia with pinnate leaves, tiny white flowers and very slender, ascending fruits up to
one inch long. Location: Common in wet, weedy sites and flower beds on campus. |
Cardiospermum grandiflorum, Sapindaceae, balloon vine; heart
seed. Vigorous vine from Africa and neotropics with tendrils and bladdery, three angled,
elongated fruits about two and a half inches long. Location: Bank Diamond Head of
Manoa Str; fence between UH and MidPac, Ewa of Gilmore. |
Carica papaya, Caricaceae, papaya. Shrub or small palm-like tree
from tropical America; introduced around the time of Cook's arrival, common in gardens by
1823. The fruits are highly prized as a delicacy but various parts of the plant are also
used medicinally, and the green fruits and leaves are used as a meat tenderizer. Location:
Sherman courtyard; Diamond Head of Hale Kahawai and Hale Kuahine. |
Carissa macrocarpa, Apocynaceae, Natal plum, carissa. Dense
shrub (good hedge plant) from S. Africa, with sharp, twice-forked spines, white, star-like
flowers, and red, ovoid, edible fruits one to two inches long. Location: Ewa of Spalding;
mauka of Crawford. |
Carludovica palmata, Panama hat palm.
Strips from the leaves of this Peruvian palm-relative are used to weave
hats. |
Cascabela thevetia, Apocynaceae, be-still tree, lucky nut. Tree
from tropical America with shiny dark green leaves, white sap, and yellow, funnel shaped
flowers. Fruit somewhat angular, smooth, with two large, oily seeds. All parts poisonous
but can be medicinal for toothache, skin sores, and as a purgative, if used judiciously.
Location: St. John courtyard; Diamond Head of Jefferson Hall. |
Casimiroa edulis, Rutaceae, white sapote. Small tree from Mexico
and Central America, with palmate leaves, small greenish flowers, and rounded, shallowly
5-lobed, somewhat apple-like fruit about 3 inches in diameter. The skin is thin, green or
yellow, enclosing a soft, juicy, edible sweetish pulp. In Mexico, the bark, leaves and
seeds are used medicinally to induce sleep. Location: Mauka-Ewa of Sinclair Library, near
University Ave. |
bakeriana, Caesalpiniaceae, pink shower tree. Showy
ornamental tree from tropical Asia. Location: Entrance to Hamilton
Library. |
Cassia fistula, Caesalpiniaceae, golden shower tree. Tree from
India with showy, pale yellow flowers. Location: Gilmore; Ewa side of Kuykendall; Wist
Hall. |
Cassia grandis, Caesalpiniaceae, pink shower tree,
coral shower tree. Tree from tropical America with heavy,
cylindrical pods to 3 feet in length and often more than an inch in
diameter. The seeds are used for lei construction in Hawaii.
The pulp of the fruit has laxative properties. Location:
Adjacent to express bus stop by Bachman; by Manoa Stream at mauka end of
East-West Center Japanese Garden |
Cassia javanica, Caesalpiniaceae, pink and white shower tree. An
old favorite from Indonesia, for shade and street planting, probably introduced to Hawaii
before 1870. Location: Near Dole Street, Diamond Head of Andrews
Amphitheater. |
Cassia x nealiae, Caesalpiniaceae, rainbow shower tree. This is
a popular hybrid originally produced in Hawaii between C. javanica
and C.
fistula. Location: Maile Way, on the median, near St. John Hall. |
Casuarina equisetifolia, Casuarinaceae, ironwood, she oak. Tree
with long needle-like branches and cone-like fruits, native to S. Pacific to India. First
introduced on Kauai in 1882. Trees lining Kalakaua Ave. by the Aquarium and Natatorium
were planted in 1890 by Governor A. S. Cleghorn (father of Princess Kaiulani). Location:
Along mauka side of Maile Way, near University Ave. |