Syzygium jambos, Myrtaceae, rose apple. Large tree from tropical Asia with
large white flowers and crisp, edible fruit about 2.5 - 4 cm in diameter. Location: Near
mauka end of Japanese garden behind Jefferson Hall. |
Tabebuia aurea, Bignoniaceae, Caribbean trumpet tree. Location:
Maile Way, near makai-Diamond Head corner of St. John. |
Tabebuia berteroi, Bignoniaceae, Hispaniolan rosy
trumpet tree. Location: ewa side of Moore Hall. |
Tabebuia chrysea, Bignoniaceae, roble amarillo. Location: Maile Way at
East-West Rd. |
Tabebuia donnell-smithii, Bignoniaceae, prima vera, gold tree.
Large tree from Mexico and Central America, with striking display of yellow tubular
flowers that replace the leaves during the flowering season. The wood is used for
veneering and cabinet work. Location: Ewa and makai of Henke. |
Tabebuia heterophylla, Bignoniaceae, pink trumpet tree. Ornamental tree from tropical
America, grown for its handsome foliage and profusion of attractive, pink tubular flowers.
Location: Along Dole St., mauka of Orvis; makai of Gartley. |
Tabebuia impetiginosa, Bignoniaceae, pau d'arco,
native to Brazil. Location: Maile Way in front
of St. John. |
Tabebuia rosea, Bignoniaceae, pink tecoma, rosy
trumpet tree. Location: Between Kuykendall and HIG. |
Tabernaemontana divaricata, Apocynaceae, paper
gardenia, crape jasmine. Shrub from S.E. Asia, with white, often
"doubled" flowers. Wood used for perfume and incense; plant has
medicinal value but roots said to be poisonous. Location: Diamond Head of
Kuykendall; makai of Ag. Eng. Bldg.; Moore Hall; Japanese Garden behind
Jefferson Hall. |
Talinum triangulare, Portulacaceae, talinum. An herb from
the West Indies grown for greens. Location: St. John Courtyard. |
Tamarindus indica, Caesalpiniaceae, tamarind. Tree, possibly from Africa or
India, first introduced into Hawaii by Don Marin in 1797. The wood is used for charcoal
and furniture. The acid pulp of the fruit is eaten fresh or used as an ingredient in
chutneys, curries, and drinks. Location: Mauka-Diamond Head corner of Dean Hall; mauka of
Art Bldg. entrance. |
Tecomanthe dendrophylla, Bignoniaceae, Tecomanthe. Woody vine from New Guinea
with 5-parted leaves. From old stems arise very showy clusters of flowers each with a 3-
4-inch-long dark pink tube and spreading creamy-white lobes. Location: Mauka fence of
Andrews Amphitheater. |
Tecomaria capensis, Bignoniaceae, cape honeysuckle. Sprawling shrub with
scarlet flowers, from Cape of Good Hope, S. Africa, introduced into Hawaii in the early
1900's. Location: Parking lot, Dole St. Offices across from TV Bldg.; mauka of Eng. Quad.;
Andrews Amphitheater. |
Tectona grandis, Verbenaceae, teak. Timber tree from India to Java. The wood is
valued for heavy construction as well as fine furniture. Powdered wood is also used
medicinally; young leaves and root bark yield a yellowish-brown dye. Location: Dole
Street, near Andrews Amphitheater. |
Terminalia catappa, Combretaceae, tropical almond, false kamani, kamani-haole.
Tree from the E. Indies introduced into Hawaii shortly after Cook's discovery, now common,
especially along the coasts. The branches are spreading, sometimes in layers and the
leaves frequently turn yellow or red before falling (rare in other plants in Hawaii). The
malodorous flowers are small and white. The fruit, somewhat like that of a large almond,
yields a dye that can be used as ink and a seed that can be eaten raw or roasted. The
strong, elastic timber is used in construction, and the roots, bark, leaves, and fruit are
used medicinally and for tanning animal skins. Location: Mauka of Watanabe Hall; Diamond
Head-Ewa corner of Hale Aulima. |
Thespesia populnea, Malvaceae, milo. Tree from eastern tropics, formerly more
popular in Hawaii for shade trees around houses. The bell shaped flowers are 2 - 3 inches
in diameter, pale yellow, with purple centers. The beautifully grained wood was made into
calabashes and is still marketed by wood crafters. The young leaves are edible and the
tree also yields tannin, dye, medicine, oil, and gum. Location: St. John courtyard. |
Thunbergia battescombei, ornamental from tropical Africa.
Location: fence between Mid-Pac and UH, ewa of Biomed, April, 2004. |
Thunbergia erecta, Acanthaceae. Thunbergia typically
has two bracts closely subtending each flower. These bracts hide the
calyx, which is commonly reduced to a short, toothed rim at the base of
the corolla. The calyx is visible in the third image where one of
the bracts has been folded back, away from the corolla.
Location: In center of main walkway to main entrance of Sinclair
Library. |
Thunbergia grandiflora, Bengal trumpet, ornamental liana from
India. Location: fence between Mid-Pac and UH Campus, ewa of Biomed,
April, 2004. |
Thunbergia laurifolia, Acanthaceae, purple allamanda. Ornamental vine from
India with Showy, violet, trumpet shaped flowers up to three inches across. Location:
Makai end of Wist Annex 1; fence between Mid-Pac and UH Campus, ewa of
Biomed. |
Thunbergia mysorensis, clock vine. Ornamental vine from
India. Location: fence between Mid-Pac and UH Campus, ewa of
Biomed. [Lyon Arboretum, O'ahu.] |