Sanchezia speciosa, Acanthaceae, sanchezia. Shrub from Ecuador, grown for its
handsome foliage and bright yellow-orange flowers. Location: Ewa of Hemenway; mauka-Ewa
corner of Sinclair. |
Sansevieria trifasciata, Agavaceae, bowstring hemp, mother-in-law's tongue.
Stemless plant of questionable origin, perhaps from Africa or India, with one to a few
vertical, stiff, succulent, swordlike, banded leaves about 1-4 feet long. Location: St.
John courtyard; Ewa and Diamond Head of Hemenway. |
Santalum sp., Santalaceae, sandalwood, 'ili-ahi. Shrubs or trees native in the
region from India to Hawaii. These plants are partially parasitic through root connections
to a variety of host plants. The aromatic wood is highly valued for construction of chests
and boxes. The Hawaiians used the powdered wood as a perfume. The aromatic oil from the
wood is also used for medicine and perfume. The first profitable export trade of the
Hawaiian Kingdom was based on Sandalwood, during the years 1790 - 1840. Location: Hawaiian
hiking trails; S. album, Lyon Arboretum; S. ellipticum, eroded cliffs above
shoreline between lighthouse and overlook parking area, just below rd. around Diamond Head
(ca. 30 ft above sea level); S. paniculatum, Lyon arboretum in natives section
behind cannonball tree in middle terrace. |
Sapindus oahuensis, Sapindaceae, lonomea; kaulu. Tree with tiny flowers and
pointed leaves 3-10 inches long, endemic to Kauai and Oahu. Seeds about 3/4 inch
diameter, used medicinally and occasionally strung into lei. Location: St. John courtyard.
Scaevola sericea, Goodeniaceae, beach naupaka. Thick-stemmed native shrub
occurring along beaches throughout the pacific. One of very few native plants that has
found its way into nursery trade, used in landscaping. Location: St. John courtyard;
Faculty Housing. |
Schefflera actinophylla, Araliaceae, umbrella tree, octopus tree. Common
ornamental tree from Australia with palmately compound leaves and red flowers on radiating
stiff branches in pinwheels as the arms of an octopus. Location: Crawford Hall; Miller
Hall; Ewa side of Krauss; makai-Ewa corner of Hemenway. |
Semecarpus nigroviridis, Anacardiaceae, marking-nut tree. Species in this genus have a very caustic
resinous sap that turns black and hardens upon exposure to air. The fleshy cup at the base
of the fruit is reportedly edible when roasted. Trees of this species
planted near Hale Noelani caused an outbreak of severe dermatitis in 2000;
they were subsequently cut down. Location: loading dock at makai-Ewa
corner of Sinclair.
Senecio confusus, Asteraceae, Mexican flame vine. Vine or floppy shrub from
Mexico with bright orange or orange-red flowering heads about half an inch or more in
diameter. Location: St. John courtyard.
Senna surattensis, Caesalpiniaceae, kolomona. Ornamental, everblooming shrub
from Asia, with yellow flowers. Location: St. John courtyard; along fence mauka of Ag.
Engr. and Gilmore; common along freeways. |
Serjania exarata, Sapindaceae, supplejack. Woody vine from tropical America
with tendrils and 3-winged fruits about an inch long. Location: Mauka side of Maile Way
across from Farrington parking lot. |
Sida fallax, Malvaceae, 'ilima. Native prostrate herb to erect shrub with
yellow to rich orange to dull red flowers. Hawaiians used 'ilima for lei making; they are
considered good luck for departing people. Formerly, Hawaiians used stems of large 'ilima
plants for slats in building houses; flowers and roots for medicine. Location: St. John
courtyard; Makai of Edmonson; beaches. |
Solanum seaforthianum, Solanaceae, nightshade. Slender vine from tropical
America with incised leaves, star-shaped, blue to puple flowers, and shiny red berries
about 1 cm. in diameter. Naturalized in low elevation, disturbed sites. The genus contains
several poisonous species in addition to the medicinal, indigenous S. americanum.
Location: Brushy disturbed sites; Fence Mauka of Ag Eng Bldg; Diamond Head and Mauka of
Newman Center, Ewa and Mauka of PBRC. |
Sonchus oleraceus, Asteraceae, sow thistle, pualele. Herbaceous weed from from
Europe with milky sap, weakly prickly-margined leaves, and pale yellow flowering heads
that close early in the day. Location: Disturbed sites; the bank mauka of Biomed; the bank
Diamond Head of PBRC. |
Spathiphyllum x clevelandii, Araceae, spathiphyllum. Low ornamental plant of
uncertain origin, with white bract and rough, cob-like spike. Related forms with green
bracts may also be found in Hawaii. Location: Ewa court of Biomed; Andrews Amphitheater;
near entrance of Hamilton; sidewalk makai of Sinclair; Porteus. |