Polyalthia suberosa, Annonaceae, polyalthia. Twiggy bush or
small tree from India with small (about 1/3 inch in diameter) solitary
pale yellow 3-parted flowers, from each of which develop cluster of
several more or less edible round, purplish fruits each about a quarter of
an inch in diameter. The endosperm of the seed is ruminate (divided into
small compartments or channels) .
Polyscias guilfoylei, Araliaceae, panax. Common hedge plant from S. Polynesia,
rarely flowers in Hawaii. Location: Miller Hall; Diamond Head of Hawaii Hall; Diamond Head
side of Andrews Amphitheater. |
Portulaca oleracea, Portulacaceae, purslane, pig weed, akulikuli-kula.
Widespread herbaceous weed of uncertain origin, introduced to England in 1582, was in the
New World when Columbus arrived. Cooked and eaten in many countries, used as a pot herb
and for medicine for hundreds of years. The weedy form has small yellow
flowers but a commercial cultivar with larger flowers of various colors is also
commonly planted in Hawaii. Location: Very common on campus, waste places, flower beds. |
Portulacaria afra, Portulacaceae, purslane tree, jade tree. Succulent
ornamental shrub, native to South Africa, generally does not flower in Hawaii. Location:
George Hall courtyard. |
Pouteria sapota, Sapotaceae, mamey sapote, marmalade fruit. Central American
tree with milky sap and large, orange, egg-shaped fruits with sweet edible pulp; eaten raw
or made into marmalade, jelly, sherbets, and ice cream. Oil from the reportedly poisonous
seeds were used by the Aztecs for hair dressing and medicine. Location: Henke Hall, Ewa
court. |
Pritchardia sp., Arecaceae, loulu. A tropical Pacific genus of fan palms with
several rare species endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Location: St. John courtyard (P.
remota); Makai-Diamond Head of Diamond Head steps of Hawaii Hall (P. arecina). |
Prosopis pallida, Mimosaceae, kiawe, algaroba, mesquite. Large tree from Peru,
with sinewy, contorted trunk and branches. Flowers used in honey production; pods used for
fodder; wood used for fuel and "premium" charcoal. Location: Parking Lot 6,
between Auxiliary Services and Korean Studies Center. |
Pseuderanthemum carruthersii, Acanthaceae, purple false eranthemum. Smooth
shrub from S. Polynesia, with rose-purple or white and purple flowers; leaves variegated
with purple or green and white. Location: Makai of Bachman Annex 6; Makai of Eng. Quad.;
Diamond Head of Moore. |
Pseudobombax ellipticum, Bombacaceae, bombax. Tree from tropical America with
showy flowers having conspicuous pink or white stamens, often flowering when the tree is
bare. Location: Mauka of Sinclair; on Diamond Head side of walk Ewa of Henke. |
Pseudocalymna alliaceum, Bignoniaceae, garlic vine. Ornamental vine from the
Guianas and Brazil. Each leaf is divided into two leaflets; the flowers are funnel-shaped
and purple to pale lavender, about 3 inches long. The foliage emits a strong odor of
garlic when crushed. Location: St. John courtyard. |
Psidium cattleianum, Myrtaceae, strawberry guava. Tree from Brazil with
purplish-red fruit about 2.5 cm in diameter, with white pulp, eaten raw or made into jam
or jellies, tasting somewhat like strawberries. Another variety has larger, yellow fruits.
Location: Between Hamilton and Snack Bar; near mauka end of Japanese garden, behind
Jefferson Hall. |
Psidium guajava, Myrtaceae, guava. Shrub or tree from tropical America, with
yellow or brownish lemon-shaped and sized fruit, pink or cream colored inside. Used for
jam, jelly and juice. Introduced by Don Marin before 1825, now naturalized and common.
Location: Ewa court of Henke; Makai end of EWS Japanese Garden. |
Psilotum nudum, Psilotaceae, moa, whisk fern. Rootless, leafless, dichotomously
branching plant forming low-growing clumps; native to Hawaii and widespread in the
tropics. The plant produces abundant spores in globose sporangia about 1/8 inch in
diameter, these borne along the edges of the wiry, angular stems. The spores were
collected and used by the Hawaiians in a manner similar to talcum powder. Location: St.
John courtyard. |
Pterocarpus indicus, Fabaceae, narra, Burmese rosewood. Large tree from S. E.
Asia with clusters of fragrant yellow flowers; fruit very distinctive, about 2 inches in
diameter, compressed, with a wavy, more or less circular, winged border bearing a short
point about half way between the stem and the apex. The durable wood is red with black
stripes and is highly prized for cabinetwork and furniture. Location: Ewa end of Holmes. |