Aloe vera, Agavaceae, Barbados aloe,
medicinal aloe. Low or stemless succulent from Africa, with prickly margined, pointed
leaves that exude a yellowish, gelatinous, medicinal sap when cut. The sap is considered
very helpful for burns and abrasions and other skin problems such as athlete's foot. The
yellow flowers are borne on stalks up to about three feet tall. Location: Near entrance to
Motor Pool; Diamond Head side of Hemenway. |
Alpinia purpurata , Zingiberaceae, red ginger,
'awapuhi-'ula'ula. Tall upright plant from S. Pacific, with bright red floral bracts and
inconspicuous white flowers, very commonly planted in Hawaii as an ornamental. Location:
Makai St. John plantings; Bachman; Hawaii Hall; Henke. |
Alstonia scholaris, Apocynaceae, devil tree. Tree from India to
Indonesia and Australia with leathery, whorled leaves and small, greenish-white flowers.
The bark yields an antimalarial drug. Location: Near Makai-Ewa corner of Porteus. |
Alternanthera tenella, Amaranthaceae, joy weed. Low growing
herb, native to Brazil, commonly used as a border planting. Location: Various sites on
campus, e.g. mauka of Hemenway and at makai-Ewa corner. |
Amaranthus spinosus, Amaranthaceae, spiny amaranth. Coarse
herb with sharp spines and tiny greenish flowers, native to tropical America. Brought into
Hawaii at about the turn of the century. Location: On campus, in vacant lots and waste
areas. |
Angelonia salicariaefolia, Scrophulariaceae, angelonia.
Glandular ornamental herb from tropical America with two-lipped, purplish flowers about
3/4 inch across. Location: St. John courtyard. |
Angiopteris evecta, Marattiaceae, turnip fern. Woodland fern
from Japan to Australia and Madagascar with a short, thick stem and huge segmented fronds
(bipinnate) up to about nine feet long. The oval clusters of spore bearing cases
(sporangia) are in two rows on the under surfaces of leaflets. Location: St. John
courtyard. |
Annona muricata, Annonaceae, soursop. Small tree from tropical
America with edible, dark green, heart-shaped fruit covered with fleshy, curved,
"prickles". The pulp makes a refreshing drink or "icee". Location:
makai side of first residence mauka of Biomed |
Anthurium andreanum, Araceae, anthurium. Small, herbaceous plant
from tropical America, grown for the flowers, which are arranged in a spike (spadix) with
an associated, usually attractive, and sometimes brightly colored leaf-like bract (spath).
The flowers (and associated bracts) are long-lasting and are very popular in floral
arrangements. A significant commercial crop, especially of the island of Hawaii. Location:
Makai courtyard of Porteus; Krauss Hall patio. |
Antigonon leptopus, Polygonaceae, Mexican creeper. Coarse vine
from Mexico with showy pink clusters of flowers; in Mexico the tuberous roots (which may
weigh 14 lbs.) are eaten. Location: St. John courtyard; Diamond Head side of University
Ave., mauka of Campus. |
Araucaria columnaris, Araucariaceae, Cook pine, New Caledonia
pine. Large tree from New Caledonia (Pine Island) discovered by Captain Cook with a
columnar, cone-shaped crown to 200 feet in height and scale-like leaves about a quarter of
an inch long. The male cones (4) are papery in texture and remain intact but
the larger female cones (5) are woody and separate into thick, one-seeded scales.
Trees are very suitable for reforestation and are useful for lumber and masts. The Norfolk
Island Pine A. heterophylla is very similar, especially when immature. Location:
St. John courtyard.; Makai-Diamond Head of Edmonson. |
Aristolochia littoralis, Aristolochiaceae, Dutchman's pipe,
calico flower, pelican flower. Ornamental vine, native to Jamaica, flowers purple-mottled
and foul smelling, exploit flies for pollination by deceptively attracting them to what
appears to be a site suitable for laying eggs (odor and color of rotting meat). Location:
St. John courtyard. |
Artabotrys hexapetalus, Annonaceae, ylang-ylang. Climbing woody
shrub native to India. The fragrant greenish flowers and the fruit clusters are borne on
hooked branches. Flowers made into perfume in India; fruits fragrant but not edible.
Location: Andrews Amphitheater, mauka-end, near Ewa and Diamond Head corners of fence. |