Oxalis corniculata, Oxalidaceae, yellow wood-sorrel, yellow oxalis, 'ihi. Small
herb from Europe, with clover-like leaves and small yellow flowers; used medicinally by
Hawaiians, or in some countries as a flavoring but large amounts may be poisonous.
Location: Very common weed on campus; St. John courtyard. |
Oxalis debilis, Oxalidaceae, pink wood sorrel, 'ihi
pehu. An attractive herb from South American used medicinally by
Hawaiians. Location: weedy in moist, shaded sites, East-West Center
Dorm Gardens along Manoa Stream. |
Pandanus tectorius, Pandanaceae, pandanus, hala, screw-pine. Small, widespread
tree native to Hawaii, with stiff, spiny-margined, strap-shaped leaves and aerial prop
roots. The leaves (lau hala) were important for thatch and also for plaiting mats and
other useful articles. The bracts of the flower clusters of male trees (hala hinano) were
used for the fine garments for ali'i. Sections of the fruits can be made into an
attractive lei but it is considered bad luck to wear these on an important occasion (a
good lei to give to your political opponent on election day). Location: Makai of Webster
& Spalding; between Krauss and Andrews Amphitheater. |
Pandorea jasminoides, bower vine, bower of beauty;
ornamental liana from northeastern New South Wales, Australia. |
Panicum maximum, Poaceae, Guinea grass. Robust grass from Africa, up to 10 feet
tall, widely naturalized in the tropics, including Hawaii. An important forage in Africa.
Location: Disturbed sites, neglected areas. |
Passiflora edulis, Passifloraceae, purple passion fruit, purple liliko'i. Vine
from Brazil with tendrils and showy, crowned flowers; time of introduction unknown but
already escaped into the woods of East Maui by 1888. Grown for its flavorful fruits.
Another form with yellow fruits, P. edulis f. flavicarpa Deg., was first
planted in Hawaii on Pensacola St. in 1931. Location: On fence mauka and Ewa of Pope Lab;
Magoon. |
Passiflora foetida, Passifloraceae, love-in-a-mist, pohapoha. Vine from Brazil
with tendrils and showy, crowned flowers; the common name referring to the mist-like
appearance of the finely divided bracts surrounding the fruit. Location: Fairly common in
weedy, disturbed areas such as the Quarry; Dole St., Univ. Elem. School; Ewa of Gateway
House; Univ. Ave., fence mauka of fwy. |
Peltophorum pterocarpum, Caesalpiniaceae, yellow poinciana. Large ornamental
tree from N Australia to Malaya with pinnate leaves and crinkled,
yellow-orange flowers that emit a grape-light odor. The bark is used
medicinally and as a brown dye for cloth in Java. Location:
University off ramp. |
Pentas lanceolata, Rubiaceae, pentas. Weak ornamental shrub from tropical
Africa and Arabia, with dense clusters of purple, red, pink, or white flowers. Location:
St. John courtyard; makai-Ewa of Hemenway. |
Pereskia grandifolia, Cactaceae, pereskia. Large shrub from Brazil with
clusters of pink or white rose-like flowers, each about one and a half inches in diameter.
Although the plant bears a few spines that are characteristic of cacti, it is one of only
a few species that also bear large foliage leaves. Location: St. John courtyard. |
Persea americana, Lauraceae, avocado, alligator pear. Tree, native to central
America, taken to southern Spain in 1601 and to Jamaica in 1650. Brought to Hawaii by Don
Marin early in 19th century. First planted in Pauoa Valley, quickly became popular and
today it is one of the most common trees in Honolulu. The use of avocado is increasing in
the United States and the plant is now of commercial importance in California and Florida.
They are often marketed as "calavos", a registered trademark of the Calavos
Growers of California). Over 500 varieties are grown. Three major types are: 1) Indian,
with fruits smooth, thin skinned, green or purple, usually ripening 6 - 9 months after
flowering; 2) Guatemalan, with fruits with hard, rough skinned, usually ripening 9 - 12
months after flowering, and 3) Mexican, with very small fruits, sometimes considered a
separate species. The fruit is generally pear-shaped. The pulp surrounding the large seed
has a buttery consistency and contains up to 30% oil, and also is high in carbohydrates,
proteins, and vitamins. Aside from being valued as an edible fruit, the oil is used in
cosmetics and soaps, and occasionally for illumination. Location: Henke Hall, Mauka end of
Diamond Head courtyard; Art Bldg., near entrance. |
Petrea volubilis, Verbenaceae, sandpaper vine. Spreading shrub or vine from
Central America with paired, sandpaper-textured, oval leaves 2-8 inches long and up to 4
inches broad The flowers have a spreading star-shaped lilac calyx up to 11/2 inches across
that persists after the smaller tubular violet corolla drops. Location: . |
Phlebodium aureum, Polypodiaceae, hare's-foot fern, laua'e-haole. Fern from
Florida to Argentina, with scattered, erect, once pinnate or pinnately incised leaves to
four feet long and 2 feet wide, arising from conspicuously brown-scaly horizontal stems at
the soil surface or epiphytic on other plants. The spore cases (sporangia) are in circular
clusters (sori) arranged in irregular rows on the lower surface of leaf segments.
Location: St. John courtyard. |
Phyllanthus debilis, Euphorbiaceae, niruri. Erect annual herb. Location: Common
weed in many campus locations. |
Phymatosorus grossus, Polypodiaceae, laua'e, maile-scented fern, wart
fern. Fern from old world tropics with scattered, erect, usually lobed fronds up to three
feet high, arising from black-scaly, creeping horizontal stems at the soil surface, or
epiphytic on other plants. If fertile the upper leaf surfaces are marked with one or more
rows of "warts" on each side of the midrib; on the lower surface each of these
"warts is filled with a cluster of spore cases (sporangia). The leaves commonly emit
an odor reminiscent of vanilla and are used in lei construction. Location: St. John
courtyard. |