Campus Plants - Page 15

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Licania platypus, Chrysobalanaceae, sun sapote. Tree from tropical lowlands with alternate leaves, whitish flowers and large, brown, pear-shaped woody fruits. Location: Between Sinclair annex and Sinclair Library.
Ligustrum japonicum, Oleaceae, privet. Shrub from Asia commonly used as a hedge. Five species are grown ornamentally in Hawaii. Fruits and leaves of some are said to be poisonous, causing nausea, subnormal body temperatures, convulsions, paralysis, and even death. Location: Mauka-Ewa of Moore; Jefferson; Henke; near gate, Ewa side of fire exit road, Ewa of motor pool.
Liriope cf. muscari "variegata", variegated lily turf.  Ground cover gaining popularity in landscaping in Hawaii.  Location: Hawaii Hall; mauka side of Hamilton Library Addition.
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Litchi chinensis, Sapindaceae, litchi. Tree from China with compound leaves, cream- colored flowers, and rough-textured, green to red fruits (produced in may and June). The smooth, white pulp of the fruit has a grape-like consistency and is highly prized when fresh or canned in syrup. The dried fruits, "litchi nuts," are sweeter and more like raisins. Location: Between E-W Road and Facilities Mgt. Bldg.
Lonicera japonica, Japanese honeysuckle. Ornamental shrub from Asia.  Location: On slope makai of Kennedy Theater. 
Lophostemon confertus, Myrtaceae, Brisbane box, brush box, vinegar tree. Tree from Australia with pointed leaves 7 inches long and 21/2 inches broad that are clustered toward the ends of branchlets. The woody fruits, shaped like a turban, are about half an inch long and broad. Location: Mauka side of Moore.
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Macadamia integrifolia, Proteaceae, macadamia nut. Tree from Australia brought into Hawaii in 1890, now the basis of a thriving industry in Hawaii. The seeds are a good source of vitamin B1, Calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Location: Mauka of Sinclair; Mauka of Biomed.
Macaranga mappa, Euphorbiaceae, bingabing; macaranga. Small, columnar ornamental tree from the Philippines, with large, umbrella-like leaves up to 2 feet in diameter. Location: Andrews Amphitheater.
Macfadyena unguis-cati, cat's-claw vine, Bignoniaceae.  Ornamental vine from Central America.  Location: makai of St. John, on wall facing Maile Way.
Magnolia grandiflora, Magnoliaceae, magnolia. Tree, native to SE US and Texas, introduced into Hawaii early in the 19th century, first planted at Hanalei, Kauai. State flower of Mississippi. Flowers are pickled and eaten in some parts of England. Location: Front of Sinclair Library, by entrance.
Malpighia coccigera, Malpighiaceae, Singapore holly. An ornamental hedge-forming shrub from the W. Indies and tropical America, with small, hollylike leaves and pink flowers. Location: Ewa and Diamond Head sides of Gartley Hall; Sinclair Library, near notice boards.
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Malvastrum coromandelianum, Malvaceae, false mallow. Common weedy herb or small shrub with few small orange flowers open at one time; in tropics around the world. Hawaiians pounded it up with salt for poultices. Location: On Campus in empty lots and disturbed sites.
Malvaviscus penduliflorus, Malvaceae, Turk's cap. Shrub from tropical America. If your scarlet-flowered hibiscus fails to open, but produces many vivid hanging buds, it is probably not a hibiscus at all, but the related Turk's cap. There are 3 varieties of this species grown as ornamentals. Location: St. John courtyard.
Mangifera indica, Anacardiaceae, mango. Tree from India with a rounded crown and large, delicious fruits. One of the most commonly planted trees in Hawaii. The Hayden is probably the most highly prized of the more than 40 varieties grown locally. The bark is sometimes used in tanning leather and in making a yellow dye. Various parts of the plant are used medicinally. Some persons are allergic to mango fruits, especially the sticky resin that may ooze from the skin, which is not all that surprising because poison oak belongs to the same family. Location: Mauka of Biomed; Ewa-Mauka corner of Engineering Quad.
Manihot esculenta, Euphorbiaceae, tapioca, cassava, manioc. Shrub from Brazil, widely cultivated in the tropics for its large, tuberous roots that provide an excellent source of starch. Location: Diamond Head side of Krauss; Garden between Hale Kahawai and Hale Kuahine; Makai of Energy House.
Melaleuca quinquenervia, Myrtaceae, paper bark, cajeput. Tree from Asia to Australia, with white bottle brush flower clusters. The leaves yield cajeput oil, widely used in medicinals, including external ointments for rheumatism and skin diseases. The wood is used for fuel and in ship building; the greyish papery bark, produced in great bulk is used for caulking, packing and torches. Location: Maile Way.

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