Harpullia pendula, Sapindaceae, tulipwood tree. Tree from
Australia with pinnately compound leaves, greenish flowers, and reddish or orange, 2-lobed
fruits that split open to reveal a single shiny black seed about 1 cm in diameter in each
lobe. In Hawaii the tree is mainly planted for ornament but the wood can be used for
cabinetry. Location: On slope between Moore and Hamilton. |
Hedychium coronarium, Zingiberaceae, butterfly lily, ginger lily, 'awapuhi
ke'oke'o (white ginger). A delightfully scented
ginger from India. Commercial source of perfume and popular lei
flower. Location: back of E-W Center dorms along Manoa stream. |
Hedychium flavescens, Zingiberaceae, 'awapuhi melemele (yellow
ginger). This scented ginger from India is used in
lei construction. A sphingid moth expired while "trapped"
in the tube of the ginger corolla. The moth's "tongue" was
bent back on itself at the base of the tube so it could not be
withdrawn. Location: back of E-W Center dorms along Manoa stream. |
Helianthus annuus, Asteraceae, sunflower.
Large herb from North America grown for its bright flowers and for its
edible seeds which also yield oil for cooking. Location: East-West
Center dorms flower beds and gardens. |
Heliconia psittacorum, Heliconiaceae, parrot's beak heliconia.
Upright herb from tropical America, with erect flower stalks and green-tipped yellow or
orange flowers. Location: Henke; Ewa of Hawaii Hall. |
Hemerocallis lilio-asphodelus, Liliaceae, day lily. Herb from Europe and
temperate Asia, with large yellow-orange, funnel shaped flowers that last only for a day.
A popular garden plant. Dried flower buds (kim choi) are used by the Chinese to flavor
food. Location: ? |
Hemigraphis alternata, Acanthaceae, metal leaf. Creeping
perennial herb from Java, very commonly used as a ground cover in Hawaii. The leaves are
dark purplish in color. The flower are white and fairly small. Location: Entrance to Art
Bldg.; makai of Gilmour. |
Heritiera littoralis, Sterculiaceae, looking-glass tree, dungun.
Tree from eastern Africa to Pacific islands; lower leaf surfaces with silvery scales;
fruits woody, smooth, keeled, one-seeded. Location: mauka of Hemenway. |
Hernandia ovigera, hernandia. Named after Francisco Hernand (1514-1578), a
Spanish botanist who was highly paid for his research into American natural history, but
whose labor did not yield fruits equal to the expenditure (compare the fruits of
Hernandia). Handsome tree native to the East Indies, sometimes used for canoes. The seeds
can be burned like kukui but with the production of much smoke. 1 -
habit, 2 - leaf and fruit, 3 - fruit, smaller than expected, is found inside the inflated
green (later pink) sphere, 4 - female flower, 5 - female flower, 6 - side
view of open male flower and bud of female flower, note inferior ovary
with sheathing connate bracteoles that eventually become the inflated
sphere containing the fruit, 7 - male flower. Location: Mauka-Ewa corner of Sinclair Library; Diamond Head end of Spalding. |
HIBISCUS-Malvaceae. In the tropics,
hibiscus is the connoisseur's flower with as many fans as the rose, the camellia, and the
azalea all put together. There are over 150 accepted species with natives on every
continent except Europe. The named hybrids between these would fill an encyclopedia. The
hibiscus is the state flower of Hawaii and more than 33 varieties have been brought from
other countries. By crossing these with one another and with three native species, more
than 5,000 horticultural varieties have been produced (some kinds will not cross).
Literally every known color is represented among the hybrids. The fragrant white Hibiscus
arnottianus is from Hawaii. The cream H. venustus from Tahiti has been crossed
with H. rosa-sinensis to produce flowers of incredible size--up to 10 inches
across. Hibiscus flowers last only a day (or 2) at the most whether left in the garden or
picked, and it makes little difference whether you put them in water or not. |
Hibiscus arnottianus, Malvaceae, Hawaiian white hibiscus. A
native shrub or tree with large white flowers, growing at altitudes between 1,000 and
3,000 feet. Location: St. John courtyard; hiking trails. |
Hibiscus esculentus, Malvaceae, okra, gumbo, ladies finger.
Shrub from tropical Africa; the fruits are very mucilaginous and are much used in soups
under the name "gumbo," the Spanish word for okra. Location: East West Center
Gardens behind dorms near Lincoln Hall (along Manoa Str.); Garden plot, Diamond Head of
Krauss Hall. |
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae, red hibiscus, Chinese
hibiscus, "shoe flower". Shrub from tropical Asia, now wide planted, frequently
as a hedge. When crushed, the red flowers turn black, yielding a dark purplish dye that is
used in India for blacking shoes. In China the dye is used for the hair and eyebrows. It
is also used to color liquor and to dye paper a bluish purple tint, which reacts with
litmus. Hawaiians eat raw flowers to aid digestion; the Chinese pickle and eat them.
Location: Very common, e.g., Diamond Head - makai corner of Campus Center. |
Hibiscus schizopetalus, Malvaceae, coral hibiscus, aloalo
ko'ako'a. Shrub from E Africa with slender arching branches and pendant, red flowers with
feathery reflexed petals. The pollen of this hibiscus is often used in Hawaii for
producing new varieties. Location: Wist Annex. |
Hibiscus tiliaceus, Malvaceae, hau. Possibly from the Old World,
now widespread in the Pacific Basin, forming impenetrable thickets, mostly near the
shoreline. The bright yellow flowers turn to bronze and crimson as the day passes. The
light, tough wood was used by Hawaiians for outriggers of canoes. The bark fibers were
used for ropes, net bags and tapa. The flowers were used as a medicine with laxative
properties. Location: Longs-Safeway Manoa parking lot by KC drive in. |
Hippeastrum reticulatum, Amaryllidaceae. The two plants in
the first photograph with red-margined white flowers probably represent
this species. The plants with solid red flowers likely are
hybrids. H. reticulatum is a bulb-bearing herb from southern
Brazil. |
Hiptage benghalensis, Malpighiaceae, hiptage. A woody climber
from S.E. Asia clusters of pink to white and yellow fragrant flowers and 3-winged ,
helicopter-like fruits. Used medicinally in India. Location: Near Ewa-Mauka corner of
"Chiller," Makai-Diamond Head of Thrift Shop. |