Ficus microcarpa, Moraceae, Chinese banyan, laurel
fig. A very large, spreading tree with numerous aerialroots, native to S.
China; quite similar to F.
benjamina L., fruits about 1/4 in. in diameter. Location: Between
Lincoln and Jefferson; by Kennedy Theater. |
Ficus pumila, Moraceae, climbing fig. A climbing vine, native
from China to Australia, probably introduced into Hawaii in latter part of 19th century.
Location: Climbing walls mauka of Holmes Hall; on coconut palm near University Ave. and
Bus. Ad. |
Ficus religiosa, Moraceae, Bo tree, Buddha tree. Large tree with
leaves having long drawn-out tips, native to India. Buddha was supposed to have received
enlightenment under one which is now dead. However, a cutting of this dating from 288 B.C.
still exists in Sri Lanka. Location: Near mauka-Diamond Head corner of Hawaii Hall. |
Ficus pseudopalma, Moraceae, Philippine fig.
Sparingly branched tree from the Philippines with large leaves tufted at
the tips of ascending branches. The fruits are green, in pairs,
about 1-1.5 inches long. Location: Ewa side of Sinclair
Library, near University Avenue. |
Filicium decipiens, Sapindaceae,fern tree. Striking ornamental
tree from India with a dense, rounded crown, compound leaves, and small white flowers.
Location: Along wall, makai of Auxiliary Services. |
Furcraea foetida, Agavaceae, Mauritius
hemp. Giant rosette plant
from South America with leaves up to 8 feet long, the stem elongating only when the tall
(15-30 feet) flowering stalk is produced. Widely cultivated for fiber. Location: St. John
courtyard. |
Galphimia gracilis, Malpighiaceae, galphimia.
ornamental shrub from Mexico and Central America, with showy yellow flowers. Location: Ewa
of Krauss Hall. |
Garcinia dulcis, Clusiaceae, gourka. A cone-shaped tree
native to India to Malaya, with drooping branches and smooth-skinned,
edible, yellow (when ripe) fruit to 3 inches in diameter. The
sour pulp of the fruit is yellow and juicy. Unripe fruits provide an
inferior gamboge paint. The bark yields a black dye used for cotton.
Location: Diamond Head wing of Bachman Hall. |
Gardenia brighamii, Rubiaceae, nanu, na'u, native
gardenia. A rare tree, formerly from dry forest slopes on all of the major
Hawaiian Islands except Kauai, now nearly extinct. Location: St. John
courtyard. |
Gardenia taitensis, Rubiaceae, tiare, Tahitian gardenia. Shrub
from Society Islands, with large pinwheel-shaped flower having 5-9 lobes. Location: Makai
of Gartley; Gilmore. |
Gliricidia sepium, Fabaceae, madre de cacao.
Tree from Mexico and South America that is used both to shade chocolate
trees and also enrich the soil; hence the common name meaning "mother
of cocoa." The wood is durable and useful for posts and railway
ties; according to Neal the flowers are cooked for food.
Location: Sherman Courtyard. |
Gomphrena globosa, Amaranthaceae, globe amaranth, lehua pepa,
bozu flower. Popular ornamental annual from tropical America. Flower clusters may be
white, yellow, pink, red purple, or violet; often made into long lasting leis. Location:
Motor pool; Castle Memorial Hall. |
Gossypium barbadense, Malvaceae, cotton plant. Shrub from
tropical America the seeds of which provide cotton fibers (seed hairs) and also oil for
salad and for lard and butter substitutes. Location: St. John courtyard; Castle Memorial
Bldg. courtyard. |
Gossypium tomentosum, Malvaceae, ma'o, Hawaiian cotton. A shrub
native to Hawaii and elsewhere in the Pacific. The short, brown seed hairs are not
commercially valuable but the species is still used in cotton breeding programs for some
of its other attributes. Location: St. John courtyard; coastal scrub areas. |
Graptophyllum pictum, Acanthaceae, caricature plant. Ornamental
shrub from New Guinea, grown widely for its variegated foliage. Location: Hedge on Diamond
Head side of Makai wing of Bachman; Diamond Head of Moore. |
Guaiacum officinale, Zygophyllaceae, lignum vitae. Small
ornamental tree or shrub from Central America with compound leaves and pale blue flowers.
The hard wood, denser than water, is used for mallets and bowling balls, and yields a
resin that is used in medicine, stain, and a chemical indicator. Location: Maile entrance
to St. John Hall. |