Campus Plants - Page 10

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Eriobotrya japonica, Rosaceae, loquat. Small tree from China and S. Japan with edible fruits that are eaten raw or cooked or made into jelly. Location: Ewa of Kennedy Theater.
Erythrina crista-galli, Fabaceae, common coral tree. Ornamental shrubby tree from Brazil; leaves with three leaflets; flowers dark red. Location: Makai of St. John Hall.
Erythrina sandwicensis, Fabaceae, wiliwili. Deciduous tree endemic to Hawaii, found in low, leeward dry regions throughout the islands. Flowers salmon to chartreuse. Its wood, considered the lightest of the Hawaiian woods, was used for surf boards, outriggers of canoes, and net floats. Location: St. John courtyard.
Erythrina variegata, Fabaceae, tiger's claw, Indian coral tree, wiliwili haole. Ornamental tree from India, flowering without the leaves in January and February; flowers deep red. Location: Mauka and Diamond Head sides of Hamilton.
Erythrina sp., Fabaceae, columnar tree.  Location:  makai of Webster Hall
Eucalyptus citriodora, Myrtaceae, lemon-scented gum. Very large tree from Australia with smooth bark flaking off in patches; leaves lemon-scented. Location: Makai of Biomed and on East-West Rd. near Sherman.
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Eucalyptus deglupta, Myrtaceae, Mindanao gum. Very large tree from Indonesia with striking orange and green streaked smooth bark. Location: Biomed courtyard; between Edmonson and Hamilton; mauka of Sinclair.
Eugenia uniflora, Myrtaceae, Surinam cherry. Shrub or small tree from Brazil with white flowers and edible, spicy, red, 8-furrowed fruit about 2 cm in diameter. Location: Common; Makai side and Ewa courtyard of Henke.
Euphorbia milii, Euphorbiaceae, crown of thorns. Ornamental shrub from Madagascar. Legend suggests that the bracts were white until the plant was worn by Christ as the "crown of thorns," whereupon they became red. Location: Planter between Post Office and Student Employment Office; St. John courtyard.
Euphorbia pulcherrima, Euphorbiaceae, poinsettia. Ornamental shrub from tropical America, with scarlet or white floral bracts, introduced into Hawaii in the late 19th century. Location: Newman Center entrance; St. Francis grounds.
Euphorbia tirucalli, Euphorbiaceae, pencil tree, milk bush.  A striking shrub or small tree from Africa with milky sap and very reduced leaves.  The sap is caustic and may cause severe burns or irritation, especially if gotten in the eyes; may be fatal if ingested.  It has been used as a fish poison.  Location: U.H. Press, Journals Office.
Fagraea berteroana, Loganiaceae, pua-kenikeni. Large shrub or tree from Polynesia with pleasantly scented, cream-colored flowers that turn orange to copper in age; popular for leis and perfume. Fruit red, about one inch in diameter, many-seeded. Location: Mauka-Diamond Head corner of St. John.
Ficus carica, Moraceae, common fig, piku, fiku. Shrub or small, native to Asia, fruit eaten raw as a dessert, dried, and preserved; all parts of fruit edible. The yield in warm countries such as Greece is about 1,600 lbs. per acre. Location: Kaimana Cafe on Dole.
Ficus lyrata, Moraceae, fiddle fig. Tree with fiddle back shaped leaves, native to Africa, introduced to the outside world in 1895 when seeds were sent to France. Location: Between Hale Kuahine and Jefferson.

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