Campus Plants - Page 1

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Acacia confusa, Mimosaceae, Formosa koa. Tree from the Philippines and Taiwan with sickle-shaped leaves similar to koa but shorter and straighter. The tiny flowers are congested in conspicuous bright yellow heads about 1/2 inch in diameter. Location: Makai side of Korean Bldg.; makai-Diamond Head corner of Sinclair.
Acacia koa, Mimosaceae, koa. Large native Hawaiian forest tree on mountain slopes between 1500 and 4000 feet; larger specimens may be over 60 feet tall and 10 feet in diameter. Seedlings and saplings have bipinnately compound leaves; mature trees have foliage consisting of flattened, sickle-shaped leaf stalks called phyllodes. The highly prized wood is known as Hawaiian mahogany and is a beautiful reddish color with lots of wavy lines. Its extensive use for furniture and other woodwork makes it Hawaii's most valuable lumber tree. Koa was used by the ancient Hawaiians for war canoes, surfboards, and calabashes. Location: St. John courtyard; uplands of all main islands.
Acalypha hispida, Euphorbiaceae, chenille plant. Shrub, probably from the E. Indies, with long pendulous catkins made of female flowers with feathery stigmas. Male flowers seldom appear on this species in Hawaii. Location: Next to HIG Auditorium; St. John courtyard.
Acalypha wilkesiana, Euphorbiaceae, copper leaf, Jacobs coat, beefsteak plant. Shrub from Fiji with red-mottled, bronzy-green. leaves and tiny flowers. Many cultivars are grown for the ornamental value of the foliage. Location: Ewa-Mauka corner of St. John.
Adansonia digitata, Bombacaceae, baobab, dead rat tree. Tree from tropical Africa with palmately lobed leaves and much enlarged trunk. The Kenyans say the devil planted this tree upside down because of the monstrous appearance with its swollen, bottle-shaped trunk and short dumpy branches sticking up in the air like thick roots. A trunk circumference of 62 feet has been reported in this species. Several trees in Africa are reckoned to be about 5,000 years old. The fragrant white flowers are about 6 inches across and are pollinated by bats. The 6 - 18 inch long fuzzy fruits are on long stalks giving the appearance of a hanging dead rat. Location: Ewa side of Art Building.
Adenanthera pavonina, Mimosaceae, coralwood, false wiliwili. Tree from S. E. Asia with pinnate leaves and rather inconspicuous clusters of small yellow flowers. The scarlet "Circassian" seeds are lens shaped, about 1/3 inch in diameter, and are used in lei construction. The red heartwood is valued for cabinetwork and as a source of dye. Location: Makai side of Maile Way near entrance kiosk to campus.
Agapanthus praecox, Liliaceae, lily of the Nile. Ornamental herb from S. Africa with cluster of blue or white funnel-shaped flowers elevated on leafless stalks. Location: St. John courtyard; Hawaii Hall; Holmes.
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Agathis robusta, Araucariaceae, Queensland kauri. Very large broad-leaved conifer from Australia with a spreading crown and massive columnar trunk; attaining heights of 150 feet or more. The globose mature female cones (2) separate into thin one-seeded scales. The oblong male cones (3) remain intact and are papery when mature.  The wood is used for interior finishing and furniture. Resin from the bark (dammar) is used to make varnish. Location: Mauka of Sinclair Library; Ewa of Edmonson.
Ageratum conyzoides, Asteraceae, ageratum. Herbaceous annual from American tropics, cultivated as ornamental but also weedy; flowering heads blue (rarely white or pinkish). Location: Flower beds mauka-Diamond Head of Hamilton; makai-Diamond Head of Newman Center in weedy area.
Aleurites moluccana, Euphorbiaceae, kukui, candle nut tree. A polynesian tree probably brought to Hawaii by early polynesian settlers. Official tree of the State of Hawaii and island flower of Molokai. One of the most important plants of the old Hawaiians, the kukui was used for light, canoes, fishing, tanning, leis, catching birds, and as a source of food, medicine and dye. Location: Between vending kiosk and Bilger; behind EWC dorms. The pale green foliage of kukui trees, which commonly grow at the head of hanging valleys, stands out from great distances.
Allamanda cathartica, Apocynaceae, allamanda, lani-ali'i. Climbing ornamental shrub from Brazil, with large yellow tubular flowers to about 3 inches in diameter. The leaves contain a cathartic. Location: Mauka of Holmes; Mauka of Miller.
Allamanda cathartica, cv. "Chocolate" Apocynaceae. Location St. John Courtyard wall.
Allamanda schottii, Apocynaceae, allamanda. Small shrub from Brazil, with yellow tubular flowers smaller than preceding species. Fruits globose, prickly, burlike. Location: Makai of Henke.
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Alocasia macrorrhiza, Araceae, 'ape. Giant herb from South and SE Asia, with huge arrowhead-shaped leaf blades up to three feet long. Closely related to taro and sometimes cultivated for the edible (after cooking) underground stem. Location: St. John courtyard.

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