Dr. Syngman Rhee began publishing a monthly magazine, Taepyongyang Chapji (The Korean Pacific Magazine), on September 30, 1913. The format was on 8.5 x 11inch paper folded in half. The number of pages of each issue ranged from twenty-eight to one hundred-two.
Following the organization of Dongji Hoi (the Comrade Society) in July 1921, the magazine became its unofficial publication. Since it became Dongji Hoi’s official publication in 1924, the magazine’s character slowly changed to that of a periodical news media, mainly covering the activities and news of Dongji Hoi and the Korean Christian Church, which was established in December 1918 with the help of Dr. Syngman Rhee.
The first issue in September 1913 and the second issue were priced at 20 cents per copy and the price increased to 25 cents in November 1913. The twenty-five cents per copy and the annual subscription fee of $2.50 were held until 1923.700 copies of each issue were printed but the number was far below the original estimate of 2,000 copies needed to break even.
Although some issues were halted due to financial difficulties, the monthly magazine was able to live on until December 1930 when it changed to a weekly publication with its masthead changed to Taepyongyang Chubo, (The Korean Pacific Weekly).
On January 21, 1941, Taepyongyang Chubo, was published in a newspaper style combined with the Korean National Harald under the masthead of The Korean Pacific Weekly-Korean National Herald. The masthead changed to The Korean National Herald-Pacific Weekly from January 28,1941 until the end of 1943 when the combined publication stopped. The Chubo returned to its magazine format and continued until 1946 and then in newspaper format until 1970.