
The Center for Korean Studies maintains a small library and reading room for the convenience of faculty, students, and visitors. The library supplements the Korean resources in the Asia Collection of Hamilton Library, with its archives and manuscripts collections, multimedia collections, and art and artifacts collections.
he Center library holds several collections of books presented as gifts by individuals active in Korean studies. Among these are the libraries of Doo Soo Suh, professor of Korean literature at the University of Washington; Eugene I. Knez, Smithsonian Institution anthropologist; teacher and art historian Evelyn Becker McCune; U.S. government official Robert A. Kinney; dance and music performer and teacher Ch’ŏn-hŭng Kim; Center associate member Karl Moskowitz; and Center emeritus faculty members Hugh H.W. Kang, Yong-ho Ch’oe, Judy Van Zile, and Edward J. Shultz.
Among the Center’s major special collections are the records of the Hawaii Dongji Hoi, the Halla Huhm Dance Collection, the records of the 1993 and 2003 observances of the anniversary of Korean immigration to Hawai’i, and the McCune-Becker Family Papers, containing the papers of George S. McCune, George M. McCune, Shannon B. McCune, Evelyn B. McCune, and Arthur L. Becker.
Research and reference services
Most of the library’s collection is stored on closed shelves and will be retrieved by library assistants on request. The library’s holdings do not circulate. The catalog of the library’s collections can be searched online.
- Library Catalog: Search and find catalog records for books and serial publications in the CKS library's general collections.
- Special collections: Unique and rare materials including archives, manuscripts, art & artifacts, newspapers, photographs, audiovisuals, microfilms, and other special format materials.
For further researches,
The library is located on the second floor of the Center for Korean Studies building at 1881 East-West Road on the University of Hawai‘i Mānoa campus. It is open for use during normal working hours, but assistance in using its holdings may vary depending on the availability of the library researchers who maintain the collections.
Inquiries about the collections can be sent to