Strategic Research Institute Projects

On July 8, 2020, the Academy of Korean Studies announced that the Center for Korean Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa was selected the recipient of the grant, 2020 Strategic Research Institute Program for Korean Studies. The award amount total is one billion Korean Won (approximately $820,000) for 10 years. The grant was newly created by AKS in 2020, and the Center was selected as the first awardee with a proposal titled “Sustainable Values for Korean Studies in the Americas: Korean Diaspora and the Prospects for Peace, Prosperity, and Unity of the Korean Peninsula.”

Management Committee

The Management Committee that consists of Profs. Tae-Ung Baik (Program Director, Law), Sang-Hyop Lee (Economics), Young-a Park (Asian Studies), Seunghye Hong (Social Work), and Cheehyung Harrison Kim (History) leads the projects.


Mrs. Duk Hee Lee Murabayashi (President of Korean Immigration Research Institute in Hawaii) and Dr. Yelee An (Associate Professor, Academy of Korean Studies) serve as Co-researchers for the projects.

I. Korean Diaspora Projects

Virtual Exhibitions

  1. A Virtual Exhibition – “Korean Organizations in Hawaiʻi: Dongji Hoi, Korean Women’s Relief Society, and Korean National Association”
  2. KOHA Korean Studies Library Cataloguing System Improvement
  3. Archives Space Collections Cataloguing System
  4. Archival Collections Finding Aids
  5. Collection Storage Improvements
  6. Digitization Projects
  7. Kukminbo (The Korean National Herald)
  8. Taepyongyang chubo (The Korean Pacific Weekly)

II. Peace, Prosperity, and Unity on Korean Peninsula Projects

1) Korea Vision Dialogue Series

Webinar: Feb. 19, 2021, Korea Vision Dialogue I – The Korean Peace Process: With Lee In-young, Minister of Unification, ROK
Webinar: Apr 7, 2021, Korea Vision Dialogue II – Comfort Women: History, Justice, Atonement
Webinar: June 10, 2021, Korea Vision Dialogue III- The Present As History with Jie-Hyun Lim

2) Conference, Workshops, and Seminars

Webinar: Mar. 31, 2021, The 12th Critical Issues Forum: “Millennial North Korea: New Media Technologies and Living Creatively with Surveillance” by Prof. Suk-Young Kim, UCLA
Webinar: Nov. 12, 2020, Is Permanent Peace Possible in Korea?

Strategic Research Institute for Korean Studies (SRI) Projects


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