December 4, 2019 Center for Korean Studies Recognizes Its Faculty Authors
The Center for Korean Studies saluted the literary productivity of its affiliated faculty authors in a reception at the Center on December 4, 2019. The reception celebrated the accomplishments of fifteen faculty authors who published books, articles, or other creative works during 2019 or completed manuscripts scheduled for publication in 2020.
The list of recognized publications includes fifteen books and book chapters, twenty-one journal articles, and six music, dramatic, and video productions. Faculty authors honored at the reception include:
- Tae-Ung Baik, William S. Richardson School of Law
- Sumi Chang, Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures
- Han-Byul Chung, Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures
- Karl Kim, Department of Urban and Regional Planning
- Mary S. Kim, Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures
- Hagen Koo, Department of Sociology
- Sang-Hyop Lee, Department of Economics
- Yeanju Lee, Department of Sociology
- William O’Grady, Department of Linguistics
- Thomas Osborne, Department of Music
- Gary Pak, Department of English
- Mee-Jeong Park, Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures
- S. Ghon Rhee, Shidler College of Business
- Ho-min Sohn, Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures
- Donald Reid Womack, Department of Music
Faculty Publications
The complete list of faculty publications cited at the reception follows.
Books and Chapters
Sang-Hyop Lee, J-P Choi, and W. Lim, Competition Law and Economics: Developments, Policies and Enforcement Trends in the US and Korea (Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2019)
Sang-Hyop Lee, Neumark, D., and Y. S. Kim, A New Direction in Human Capital Policy: Trends in Advanced Countries and Implications for Korea (Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2019)
Karl Kim, Learning from Disaster: Planning for Resilience (Routledge, forthcoming 2019)
William O’Grady, Changyong Yang, and Sejung Yang, Jejueo: The Language of Korea’s Jeju Island (UH Press, 2019)
Yeanju Lee, Christopher Bae (editor), Divorce in South Korea: Doing Gender and the Dynamics of Relationship Breakdown (UH Press, 2020)
Donald Reid Womack, “Thoughts on Korean Instruments, from a Western Composer’s Perspective” in Traditional Korean Instruments: A Practical Guide for Composers
(National Gugak Center, 2019)
Mary S. Kim, “Evidential markers as interactional resources in Korean conversation” in C. M. Lee and J. H. Park, ed., Evidentials and Modals (Brill, forthcoming 2020)
Mary S. Kim and S. H. Kim, “Requesting here-and-now actions with two imperative formats in Korean interaction” in C. Taleghani-Nikazm, E. Betz, P. Golato, ed., Mobilizing Others: Grammar and Lexis within Larger Activities (John Benjamins, forthcoming 2020)
Karl Kim and Bui, L. “An Assessment of Disaster Risk and Resilience in Rapidly Urbanizing ASEAN Cities” in R. Padawangi, ed., Routledge Handbook of Urbanization in Southeast Asia (Routledge, 2019): 325-344
Tae-Ung Baik, “Regional Human Rights Arrangements” in The Oxford Handbook of Constitutional Law in Asia (Oxford Univ. Press, forthcoming 2019)
Ho-min Sohn, Young-mee Cho, Hyo Sang Lee, Carol Schulz, and Sung-Ock Sohn, Integrated Korean: Beginning 1, Third Edition (UH Press, July 2019)
Ho-min Sohn, Young-mee Cho, Hyo Sang Lee, Carol Schulz, and Sung-Ock Sohn, Integrated Korean: Beginning 2, Third Edition (UH Press, July 2019)
Mee-Jeong Park, Mary S. Kim, Joowon Suh, and Bumyong Choi, Integrated Korean Workbook: Beginning 1, Third Edition (UH Press, July 2019)
Mee-Jeong Park, Mary S. Kim, Joowon Suh,, and Bumyong Choi, Integrated Korean Workbook: Beginning 2, Third Edition (UH Press, July 2019)
Sumi Chang, Ho-min Sohn, Hee-Jeong Jeong, Sang-Seok Yoon, Integrated Korean: High Intermediate 1 (UH Press, January 2019)
Sumi Chang, Ho-min Sohn, Hee-Jeong Jeong, and Sang-Seok Yoon, Integrated Korean: High Intermediate 2 (UH Press, August 2019)
Journal Articles
Gary Pak, “The Smell of Old Wood: Oe Halmeoni’s Power of Storytelling.” A Platform for Peace and Communication (2019)
Hagen Koo, “Rethinking Working Class Formation in Korea: A Reflective Essay,” Korea Journal 59:1 (Spring, 2019): 135-157
Hagen Koo, “Rising Inequality and Shifting Class Boundaries in South Korea in the Neoliberal Era,” Journal of Contemporary Asia (2019)
Han-byul Chung, Ko, HJ., Kim, KT. & Sprouse, Jon. “An experimental study on scrambling out of islands: To the left and to the right,” Language & Information Society 37 (2019): 287-323
Han-byul Chung & Do, J-U. “The distribution of accusative subjects in Manchu: A corpus-based study,” Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungarica 72:2 (2019): 229-244
Min Sun Kim, “Robots as “Mechanical Other”: Transcending Karmic Dilemma.” AI and Society 34 (2019): 321-330
Min Sun Kim., Oshio, A., Kim, E. J., Tasaki, K., Anderson, K.,& Yamaguchi, A. “A cross-cultural test of implicit theories of re-requesting.” Communication Research Reports 36 (2019): 14-23.
Min Sun Kim & Hara, K. “Examining the factor structure of the “self- vs. other-benefit deception motivations scale in the case of a Japanese sample.” Applied Linguistics 21 (2019): 13-27.
Min Sun Kim, “Tribute to Howie Giles/Commentary on Language & Culture Chapter” Language, Communication, and Intergroup Relations (2019): 45-47.
S. Ghon Rhee, Irwan Adi Ekaputra, Chunlin Liu, and Hong ChaoZen, “Intraday Order Placement and Execution in a Limit Order Market: Evidence from the Indonesian Stock Market,” International Review of Finance
(forthcoming 2020).
S. Ghon Rhee, Kee-Hong Bae, Utpal Bhattacharya, and Jisok Kang, “Nominal Stock Price Anchors: A Global Phenomenon?” Journal of Financial Markets 44 (2019): 31-41.
S. Ghon Rhee, Zoltan Murgulov, Alastair Marsden, and Madhu Veeraraghavan “Venture capital backed Commitments Test Entity Initial Public Offerings on the ASX” Accounting & Finance 59 (2019): 1265-1297.
S. Ghon Rhee, Boochun Jung, Dongyoung Lee, and Ilhang Shin “Business Group Affiliation, Internal Labor Markets, External Capital Markets, and Labor Investment Efficiency” Asia Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 48 (2019): 65-97.
Karl Kim and Bui, L. “Lessons from Hurricane Maria: Island Ports and Supply Chain Resilience.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 39 (2019).
Karl Kim, Ghimire, J., Pant, P., & Yamashita, E. “Self-reported handheld device use while driving” Accident Analysis & Prevention 125 (2019): 106-115.
Karl Kim, Togia, H., Francis, O., Zhang, G. “Segment-Based Approach for Assessing Hazard Risk of Coastal Highways in Hawai’i.” Transportation Research Record (2019): 83-91.
Karl Kim, Pant, P., Yamashita, E., & Ghimire, J, “Analysis of Transportation Disruptions from Recent Flooding and Volcanic Disasters in Hawai’i.” Transportation Research Record (2019): 194-208.
Karl Kim, Opened a New Journal with Elsevier, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP), and Initiated a New Section in the Journal Transportation Research D (Environment) on disasters, resilience and transportation
Karl Kim,”Going Slow to Build Resilience: Learning from Cheongsando and Other Cittaslow Communities in Korea” (ACSP Annual Conference, forthcoming 2019)
Karl Kim, “Lessons from Hurricane Maria: Island Ports and Supply Chain Resilience” in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 39 (2019). (with Bui, L)
Karl Kim, “Self-reported handheld device use while driving” in Accident Analysis & Prevention 125 (2019): 106-115 (with Ghimire, J., Pant, P., and Yamashita, E.)
Karl Kim, “Segment-Based Approach for Assessing Hazard Risk of Coastal Highways in Hawai’i,” in Transportation Research Record (2019): 83-91 (with Togia, H., Francis, O., Zhang, G.)
Karl Kim, “Analysis of Transportation Disruptions from Recent Flooding and Volcanic Disasters in Hawai’i” in Transportation Research Record (2019): 194-208. (with Pant, P., Yamashita, E., and Ghimire, J)
Karl Kim, Stakeholder assessment of coastal risks and mitigation strategies” in Ocean & Coastal Management (2019) (with Francis, O. and Pant P.)
Karl Kim, “Efficiencies of bonding, bridging and linking social capital: Cleaning up after disasters in Japan” in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 33 (2019): 64-73. (with Kawamoto, K.)
Donald Reid Womack, CD, “Intertwined: Music for Asian and Western Strings” (Albany Records, 2019)
Donald Reid Womack and Thomas Osborne, CD, “K-Orchestra Challenge” (Kyyunggi Gugak Center, 2018)
Gary Pak, Play Production, The Watcher of Waipuna [adaptation of novella]. Kumu Kahua Theatre, Honolulu. March-April 2019
Gary Pak, TV, Kokua Hawaii: The Beginning of the Revolutionary Movement in Contemporary Hawai‘i. Oral history television monthly documentary series (‘Ōlelo Community Television 53, August 2019 to July 2020)
Gary Pak, Youtube, Kokua Hawaii: The Beginning of the Revolutionary Movement in Contemporary Hawai‘i. 12 oral history programs. (Youtube, August 2019)
Gary Pak, DVD, Kokua Hawaii: The Beginning of the Revolutionary Movement in Contemporary Hawai‘i. 4-DVD set. Kāne‘ohe, (HI: KV2020 Productions, 2019)