
The John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM), University of Hawaiʻi (UH) and University Health Partners (UHP) HIPAA training is restricted to University of Hawaiʻi and University Health Partners students, faculty and staff and employees.

JABSOM employees please login using the "JABSOM Login" (in green) and UHP employees login using the "UHP Login" (in orange). Dual employees should login using their primary affilation (JABSOM or UHP) email account. Once logged in, either affliation will have the opportunity to take both JABSOM and UPH's training module tracks.

Please log in with your UH or UHP account by clicking on either image below.

If you need help with your UH account, please go to https://myuh.hawaii.edu:8888/sessionid=nobody/am-sso-check-status.

If you need help with your UHP account please contact support@ucera.org.