Hawaiian Legends Index
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Index created by:
Hawaiʻi State Library
478 South King St.
Honolulu, HI 96813-2901
Hawaiʻi & Pacific Section
(808) 586-3535

Database and web pages created and maintained by:
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Library
2550 McCarthy Mall
Honolulu, HI 96822
Hawaiian & Pacific Collections
(808) 956-8264


Online Access

Where we are aware of online availability of the books indexed here, we have included links to those books in the citations. Please note, much of what is indexed here is not available online.

Access If You Are In Hawaiʻi

If you are in Hawaiʻi, the books indexed here are available at some public and University of Hawaiʻi System libraries.

Access If You Are Not In Hawaiʻi

If you are not in Hawaiʻi, and if the book you want is not available online, ask your library's interlibrary loan or document delivery department to borrow the book or obtain a copy of the legend for you. They will contact a library in their network and try to get it for you.

NOTE: These libraries' ability to provide copies may be limited by copyright law.