Professional and Academic Resources
Index of Categories
- Annotated bibliography
- Aging Information and Resources
- Caregiving Support
- Organizations Serving Native Hawaiian Elders
- Associated University of Hawaii Entities
- Elder Abuse / Victim Services
- Senior Housing
- Aging Associations and Academic Entities
COVID-19 resources
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Extra Precautions for Older AdultsOlder adults are at greater risk of requiring hospitalization or dying if they are diagnosed with COVID-19. As you get older, your risk of being hospitalized for COVID-19 increases. This website provides reliable information on extra precautions older adults can take.
- The Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander Hawaiʻi COVID-19 Response, Recovery & Resilience TeamThe Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander Hawaiʻi COVID-19 Response, Recovery & Resilience Team (NHPI 3R) was established in May 2020, in alignment with the national NHPI Response Team, to improve the collection and reporting of accurate data, identify and lend support to initiatives across the Hawaiian Islands working to address COVID-19 among Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, and unify to establish a presence in the decision-making processes and policies that impact our communities. More than 40 agencies, organizations, and departments comprise the NHPI 3R Team.
Annotated bibliography
Center staff have worked to compile a comprehensive look at publications that relate to Native Hawaiian health and aging. Also included are scholarship on general aging trends, cultural approaches to health care and some articles that generally orient the reader to Hawaiian paradigms. Each entry comes with a short annotation or summary of the piece and a clickable link if it is available online. Our hope is that this annotated bibliography will be a strong foundation for anyone hoping to learn more about the needs and preferences of Native Hawaiian elders, be that in pursuit of research, direct professional service or personal caregiving. You can use the ctrl+f function on a windows computer, or Command ⌘ + f on a mac to enter search terms you’d like to find in the document. Click here to access the Annotated Bibliography 2017
Aging Information and Resources
• Administration on Aging (AoA)
The Administration on Aging site offers information and resources on aging, gathered by the federal government, for elders, families, and all interested in aging.
The American Society on Aging is a professional membership association that offers professional education, publications, online information and training resources for professionals and practitioners in the field of gerontology and other interested persons.
• Gerontological Society of America
The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) is a national professional membership association that promotes research, education, and the application of research in the aging field..
• National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs
The National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs is a national membership organization for persons across the country working to provide older adults healthful food and nutrition through community-based services.
The National Council on Aging (NCOA) seeks to make and impact on the health and economic security of 40 million older adults, especially women, people of color, LGBTQ+, low-income, and rural individuals. Click here to access directly their report on successful strategies for implementing Evidence Based Programs for Native Elders.
The National Institute on Aging, National Institute of Health, conducts and supports research on aging and the health and well-being of older people.
• State of Hawai‘i Executive Office on Aging (EOA)
The Executive Office on Aging (EOA) is the designated lead state agency in the coordination of a statewide system of aging and family caregiver support services. EOA oversees all four Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) and offer information and resources for elders, family members, and professionals in the field of aging.
• Honolulu County Aging and Disability Resource Center / Area Agency on Aging
The Elderly Affairs Division (EAD) is the sponsoring agency for the City and County of Honolulu’s Aging and Disability Resources Center (ADRC) Program and is also the designated Area on Aging (AoA) for the island of Oahu. Their goal is to help people find assistance for aging, disability and caregiving, such as with Nutrition, Housing, Transportation, and Financing. They also provide outreach and education to the community, encourage and support the aging network in improving and expanding services, and operate a telephone Helpline for consultation, information and referral to services.
• Hawai‘i County Aging and Disability Resource Center / Area Agency on Aging (AAA)
The Hawaii County Aging and Disability Resource Center is the designated Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for the island of Hawaii (Big Island). They are involved in planning, coordination, advocacy, and administration of programs for older persons in the county.
• Kauai County Aging and Disability Resource Center / Agency on Elderly Affairs
The County of Kaua’i Agency on Elderly Affairs (AEA) is the desginated Area Agency on Aging for the island of Kaua`i. Its purpose is to plan, support, and advocate for programs to promote the well-being of Kauai’s older adults and to address and respond to the priority needs of all seniors.
• Maui County Aging and Disability Resource Center / Office on Aging
The Maui County Office on Aging provides services to the islands of Maui, Molokai and Lanai. Their goal is to assist Maui County’s seniors and persons of all ages with disabilities to lead independent, fulfilled, and dignified lives in their own homes and own communities for as long as possible and appropriate by providing access to information, resources, and services.
Caregiving Support
• National Adult Day Services Association
The National Adult Day Services Association is a professional trade association that resource for those looking for information and advocacy for adult day care services, including guides and tools on looking for and choosing an adult day service.
• National Alliance for Caregiving
The National Alliance for Caregiving is a non-profit coalition of national organizations that conducts research, does policy analysis, develops national best-practice programs, and works to increase public awareness of family caregiving issues.
• Kupuna Education Center at KCC
The Kupuna Education Center at Kapiolani Community College offers training in person and online for family and professional caregivers, including continuing education courses.
• State of Hawaii Adult and Community Care Services/Adult Protective Services
The State of Hawaii Adult Protective and Community Services Branch protective services for vulnerable adults and home and community-based services. Protective services are offered to any vulnerable adult, regardless of income. Branches are located on all islands.
• Honolulu County Aging and Disability Resource Center/Area Agency on Aging
The Elderly Affairs Division (EAD) is the sponsoring agency for the City and County of Honolulu’s Aging and Disability Resources Center (ADRC) Program and is also the designated Area on Aging (AoA) for the island of Oahu. They contract with organizations and companies on Oahu who provide services to older adults. They also provide outreach and education to the community, encourage and support the aging network in improving and expanding services, and operate a telephone Helpline for consultation, information and referral to services.
• Hawaii County Directory of Organizations Offering Support and Services
The Hawaii County Aging and Disability Resource Center is the designated Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for the island of Hawaii (Big Island). They are involved in planning, coordination, advocacy, and administration of programs for older persons in the county.
• Kauai County Directory of Organizations Offering Support and Services
The County of Kaua’i Agency on Elderly Affairs (AEA) is the desginated Area Agency on Aging for the island of Kaua`i. Its purpose is to plan, support, and advocate for programs to promote the well-being of Kauai’s older adults and to address and respond to the priority needs of all seniors.
• Maui County Directory of Organizations Offering Support and Services
The Maui County Office on Aging provides services to the islands of Maui, Molokai and Lanai. Their goal is to assist Maui County’s seniors and persons of all ages with disabilities to lead independent, fulfilled, and dignified lives in their own homes and own communities for as long as possible and appropriate by providing access to information, resources, and services.
Organizations Serving Native Hawaiian Elders
• Imi Hale Native Hawaiian Cancer Network
‘Imi Hale Native Hawaiian Cancer Network is a program of Papa Ola Lōkahi. They service the Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islands community and provide education, research and training, resources, and information for Native Hawaiians and others in the area of cancer and cancer research.
• State of Hawaii Executive Office on Aging (EOA)
The Executive Office on Aging (EOA) is the designated lead state agency in the coordination of a statewide system of aging and family caregiver support services. EOA oversees all four Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) and offer information and resources for elders, family members, and professionals in the field of aging.
• State of Hawaii Adult and Community Care Services/Adult Protective Services
The Elderly Affairs Division (EAD) is the sponsoring agency for the City and County of Honolulu’s Aging and Disability Resources Center (ADRC) Program and is also the designated Area on Aging (AoA) for the island of Oahu. They contract with organizations and companies on Oahu who provide services to older adults. They also provide outreach and education to the community, encourage and support the aging network in improving and expanding services, and operate a telephone Helpline for consultation, information and referral to services.
• Hawaii County Directory of Organizations Offering Support and Services
The Hawaii County Aging and Disability Resource Center is the designated Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for the island of Hawaii (Big Island). They are involved in planning, coordination, advocacy, and administration of programs for older persons in the county.
• Kauai County Directory of Organizations Offering Support and Services
The County of Kaua’i Agency on Elderly Affairs (AEA) is the desginated Area Agency on Aging for the island of Kaua`i. Its purpose is to plan, support, and advocate for programs to promote the well-being of Kauai’s older adults and to address and respond to the priority needs of all seniors.
• Maui County Directory of Organizations Offering Support and Services
The Maui County Office on Aging provides services to the islands of Maui, Molokai and Lanai. Their goal is to assist Maui County’s seniors and persons of all ages with disabilities to lead independent, fulfilled, and dignified lives in their own homes and own communities for as long as possible and appropriate by providing access to information, resources, and services.
Associated University of Hawaii Entities
• University of Hawaii at Manoa
The University of Hawaii at Manoa is a land-, sea-, and space-grant research institution offering certificate, degrees, and continuing education in over 90 areas of study.
• Thompson School of Social Work and Public Health – Department of Social Work
The Department of Social Work is located on the Mānoa campus of the University of Hawaiʻi. They offer education, research, and degree programs with a special emphasis on indigenous cultures. Degree programs include BA, MSW, and PhD.
• Thompson School of Social Work and Public Health – Office of Public Health Studies
The Office of Publich Health Studies is located on the Mānoa campus of the University of Hawaiʻi. They offer education, research, and degree programs. Degree programs include BA, MPH, MS, PhD – Public Health and PhD -Epidemiology.
• Thompson School of Social Work and Public Health – Center on Aging
Center on Aging is located on the Manoa campus of the University of Hawaii. COA is committed to interdisciplinary and collaborative efforts in research, educational programs and service to the community.
• Hawai’inuiakea School of Hawaiian Knowledge
Hawai’inuiakea School of Hawaiian Knowledge is located on the Manoa campus of the University of Hawaii. They work to educate students and the community in all areas of Native Hawaiian culture, including language, origins, history, arts, sciences, literature, religion, education, law, and society, its political, medicinal, and cultural practices.
• College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR)
The College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources is committed to the preparation of students and all citizens of Hawai‘i for life in the global community through research and educational programs supporting tropical agricultural systems that foster viable communities, a diversified economy, and a healthy environment.
• JABSOM Department of Native Hawaiian Health
Department of Native Hawaiian Health at the John A. Burns School of Medicine at the University of Hawaii focuses on optimal health and wellness for all Native Hawaiian people through research, education, and quality health practices.
• JABSOM Department of Geriatric Medicine
Department of Geriatric Medicine at the John A. Burns School of Medicine at the University of Hawaii offers education and clinical instruction in all aspects related to the field of geriatrics. This includes internal medicine, pharmacology, psychiatry, adult development, family medicine, neurology, urology, gynecology, and rehabilitation medicine.
• University of Hawaii Elder Law Program
The University of Hawaii Elder Law Program offers courses as well as assistance to the community including basic legal assistance, advice and information.
• Center on the Family Data Center for Hawaii’s Aging Population
Center on the Family Database offers information and statistics, as well as links to serchable databases on the aging population in Hawaii and U.S.
• Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, College of Social Sciences
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa is an educational membership program that offers non-credit, college-level courses and other activities to elders and the community at large.
• Social Work Quick Reference (SWQR) Guide
Created by University of Hawai‘i at Manoa social work graduate students, the SWQR guide provides a resource for students and practitioners who serve older adults, caregivers, and consumers of health services. The guide provides important information to those in Hawai‘i who may benefit from services offered through the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Elder Abuse / Victim Services
• National Center on Elder Abuse
The AoAs National Center on Elder Abuse provides information regarding research, training, best practices, news and resources on elder abuse, neglect and exploitation for the public, policy makers, and professionals in the elder justice field.
• National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (NCPEA) is a non-profit organization consisting of researchers, practitioners, educators, and advocates that provides information, resources, and education in the area of elder abuse and neglect.
• National Legal Resource Center
The AoAs National Legal Resource Center offers resources, technical assistance, case consultation, and training in all areas of elder abuse and neglect.
• State of Hawaii Adult and Community Care Services/Adult Protective Services
The State of Hawaii Adult Protective and Community Services Branch protective services for vulnerable adults and home and community-based services. Protective services are offered to any vulnerable adult, regardless of income.
Senior Housing
• State of Hawaii Aging and Disability Resource Center/Area Agency on Aging
The Elderly Affairs Division (EAD) is the sponsoring agency for the City and County of Honolulu’s Aging and Disability Resources Center (ADRC) Program and is also the designated Area on Aging (AoA) for the island of Oahu. They contract with organizations and companies on Oahu who provide services to older adults. They also provide outreach and education to the community, encourage and support the aging network in improving and expanding services, and operate a telephone Helpline for consultation, information and referral to services.
Aging Associations and Academic Entities
• Gerontological Society of America
The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) is an academic organization that promotes research, education, and the application of research in the aging field.
• Association for Gerontology in Higher Education
The Association for Gerontology in Higher Education is the Gerontological Society of America’s educational unit. They seek to educate and train people in the field of gerontology.
• International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics focuses on research and research dissemination in the fields of gerontology and geriatrics.
• International Federation on Ageing
The International Federation on Aging is an international non-governmental organization with a membership base of NGOs, the corporate sector, academia, government, and individuals. They focus on research and education, as well as public policy in the area of gerontology.
• UN Ageing: Social Policy and Development Division
The Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) is part of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) of the United Nations. They work to strengthen international cooperation for social development and social inclusion of the elder population.
• The Learning Edge at Boston University
The Learning Edge is an electronic newsletter published quarterly by the Center for Aging & Disability Education & Research at Boston University.
• Hawaii Pacific Gerontological Society
Hawaii Pacific Gerontological Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of Hawaii’s older adult population through service, research, and education.
Hawaii Pacific Gerontological Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of Hawaii’s older adult population through service, research, and education.
The Journals on Aging is a comprehensive database of academic journals in the field of aging, gerontology and geriatrics.