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The worksheets

I used this with an honors chemistry class. Mostly they are not really honors level students but what are you gonna do, eh? Anyway, I find that the activities are written for their level of comprehension. They work well just using them the way they are written. I can't imagine what middle school teachers must have to do to modify the material for those levels. Anyway, the one problem I did have was with the data sheets for this activity. They were pretty hard for the kids, and me to figure out. The way they were written made it difficult to figure out how to record data, or even what to record. Anyone else planning on using this activity as is, may want to consider going over the data sheets ahead of time. Yes?


Sat, 05/25/2013 - 19:34

I agree! For my students (middle school + ELL) I always spend the most time on revising the worksheets to make the language easier and to increase visual aids to make the tasks more manageable. My students found the sampling tasks hard to understand without alot of modelling from me because I changed these worksheets very little - ran out of time to rework this last lesson of the year very much...

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Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. � University of Hawai�i, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.