The struggle I have is allowing time for students to explore this activity and still do science fair and now the atom and periodic table. It makes me feel scattered and therefore look scattered and behind in my pacing guide. But, I am learning how to look at a class needs over what is set in a pacing guide and making calls based on individual class dynamics. I encourage class feedback, questions, and discussions hoping to emphasize students understanding that their learning is their responsibility and we work together as a team, all students all teachers. any suggestions?
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Water Properties, and the struggle,
Mon, 12/03/2012 - 19:24
Sorry, no suggestions, but just wanting to let you know that I feel the same way! It's been a struggle to embed this activity in the middle of our science fair process, and having to switch back and forth between several different activities. Something that might help you and the students feel less scattered is to project a calendar on the board and mark off the remaining days in the quarter. Then mark down the days that students will be doing science fair, and days they will be working on other content, along with a brief explanation on why it needs to be this way. I think it puts students a little more at ease when they know what's coming up and when they can work on each activity/project.