I am hoping we have enough time for this lesson to complete the procedure and then allow students to collect data along the transect line with the quadrats at different measurements. If I place the items on the 'sand' as I want to, they should be able to see how sampling techniques can result in varied data collection.
Tue, 04/23/2013 - 13:08
Hi Bryan! The modifications tag is useful if you made modifications to the lesson from how it is written. For example, if you post a comment about how you ran the lesson as if the m&ms were marine organisms, you could tag that as a modification. Other teachers might be particularly interested in how a certain lesson was changed.
Tue, 04/30/2013 - 08:47
i'm doing this activity with my kids. I took a short-cut because I'm going to be on a trip Friday and life is coming to the wire. So, I set up the area with my kids ahead of time. Te interesting thing is, once I told them that the environment was the back of my room, they all took the transect lines and set them going the same way. None of that cross-direction or diagonal stuff we did at the workshop. That was kind of neat. It was like they were already thinking logically and systematically about what to do.
Tue, 04/30/2013 - 21:36
We had a similar experience in our class. The kids set up the sampling area, a tide pool, and began spacing the four transect lines equidistant from each other. They knew to line them up the same way (zero at the same side of the sampling site), and ran the transect point intercept, the quadrat point intercept, and finished with the quadrat percent cover sampling methods. It was a good lesson, and they want to take it outside to the beach. Hope we can do it!
Mon, 04/22/2013 - 00:07
I do not get what the modification tab is suppose to be.
I had the students set up the "marine environment" with randomness, then we decided as a class how we would run the transects and intervals of data collection.