As a modification for the Scientific Language activity, I turned Table 1.2 (the table in which students read a statement and determine whether it is an opinion, hypothesis, or theory) into a gallery walk. I did this by writing out each statement on large poster paper, making sure to leave plenty of room for student responses, and distributing them throughout the room. I had students rotate from station to station in groups of 4 and had every individual student carry a writing utensil. Upon arriving at a station, students were directed to engage in a conversation about the statement following which each would write their classification answer and the rationale behind it on the poster. Following the gallery walk, we had a whole-class discussion about any posters that had dissenting student answers on them. This modification worked exceedingly well for the middle school students I teach.
Mon, 03/18/2013 - 14:47
Your modification makes a lot of sense, especially since this can be a dry, boring topic. How much time did you give for the gallery walk? Did you have a whole class discussion after or a follow-up homework? Great idea...I know I will use it next time!
Sun, 03/17/2013 - 20:48
This is a creative way to get students moving around. They also have an opportunity to work together through discussion. I plan on doing this earlier in the year next year and may try something like this with my 9th graders.