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Scientific Language Activity

This activity was a create way to clarify common terms that are used in science. I think it would be a great activity to do in the beginning of the year and the only thing I would change is try to make it more interactive in some way or have students come up with their own examples. Overall, good activity and I will most likely use it again.


Tue, 03/05/2013 - 19:16

I agree with you and tried something new with this Scientific Language Activity. I found a fun way to make it more interactive and engaging for middle schoolers! I had the students sit in table groups of 4 and each group write one of the sections of sentences on a long strip of colored butcher paper. They would each cross out the "wrong" Science word and replace it with the one they thought was correct. Then, we let them change tables and do the next one until everyone had done each set and croseed out the words over & over. Because my largest class has 18 students, they could easily see the choices the other students had made and talk about why they agreed or disagreed. Each group and grade level used a different color marker. ( No one had to put their own name on it so they weren't as self conscious about making a mistake.) By the end of the day, I had them coming in to see what the other classes had done. We displayed them for a few more days afterwards and they were still talking about it when we finally took them down...

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Wed, 03/06/2013 - 07:21

Thats a good way to get them more engaged! We just had lots of really good discussions about the statements because some felt that it could be more than one choice. I agree with Britt though that this would be GREAT at the beginning of the year. In its current placement it kinda feels out of place.

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Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.