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Lesson 3: Density Bas

Teaching Science as Inquiry (TSI) Lesson Plan
Module 1: Physical Aquatic Science

Name: Bryan Silver

Activity: Density Bags

Why did you choose to do this activity?
Density bags are a great way to illustrate the point of Salt water verses Fresh water and the sudelties of density. With colored bags the students can see sub float v. sinking and how temp even begins to influence these results.

What are your classroom learning goals?
Currently we are looking at Biomes, and estuaries are a perfect example of fresh water and salt water interactions , with fresh water lenses.

How does this activity tie into your classroom learning goals?
Students are to use manipulative to experience how two liquids can be in proximity without mixing/ blending.

What date do you plan to start this activity?
September 12th 2012

If applicable: HIDOE standards this lesson will address

2.1 Ecosystems

1. Describe how you will connect this activity to the ocean:

• Principle #5
– Ocean supports great diversity of Ecosystems, specifically looking at ocean and river interactions, marshes, wetlands and estuaries.

2. Select the Ocean Literacy Principle(s) that you anticipate this activity will address. (check all that apply)
 1. The Earth has one big ocean with many features.
 2. The ocean and life in the ocean shape the features of the Earth.
 3. The ocean is a major influence on weather and climate.
 4. The ocean makes earth habitable
X 5. The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
 6. The ocean and humans are inextricably interconnected
 7. The ocean is largely unexplored
1. How will you prepare your students for this activity? (For example, review of prior knowledge.)
The prep for this lesson came from soda density can lesson, that was expanded through student questioning into a second modified experiment eliminating the cans.

2. Explain any instructional struggles that you foresee and how you will address these issues. (For example, student misconceptions, classroom discussion, aspects most difficult for students to grasp, etc.)
We go over possibilities as a class group. This usually brings up some misconceptions that can be addressed, through either exploration in the lesson/lab or by explanation.

3. Select the TSI Mode(s) of Inquiry that you will focus on for this activity. (check all that apply)
X Curiosity
 Description
 Authoritative knowledge
X Experimentation
 Product evaluation
 Technology
 Replication
X Induction
 Deduction
 Transitive Knowledge

Questioning and Assessment Strategies
1. What questioning strategies will you use to help your students meet your learning goals?
Prediction, ask students to share personal experiences such as in the pool or ocean involving floating and sinking.

2. What assessment strategies will you use to help your students meet your learning goals and monitor their progress?

Pre and post test, Asking investigating questions as you circulate around the class to each group.

Please provide any additional comments that will help you prepare to teach this activity or help the TSI facilitators understand how you plan to teach this activity.


Thu, 11/01/2012 - 12:30

Thank you for sharing. Your lesson plan was informative especially after I ran my lesson. It provided insight for future planning of this topic.

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Wed, 11/14/2012 - 19:19

Phase diagram

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Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.