the m & m's on the first day, as i switched the parts around, and then when the students entered the second day, our day of review and discussion, they met a dressed up baker looking teacher, which really got them fun fun
Wed, 04/24/2013 - 11:16
Great Idea Bryan. I plan to refer to them as marine organisms as well but I like your suggestion of waiting toward the end to show the students that they will be working with M&Ms. This will be useful for my class because one they see food that's all they focus on!
Mon, 04/22/2013 - 00:13
I did as well. As I worked through the activity, I was building up that we would be practicing soon. I keep referring to the organisms from a marine environment that we would be sampling, precautions to take to keep us and them safe. It was right at the end they found out it was M&M's.
And none of the students prematurely ate any samples.