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i know what the "raindrops" rating on this site mean/represent... i just can't figure out where/how to access the "drops" to actually give a rating for the activity...


Thu, 01/17/2013 - 21:24

I can't figure it out either.... Was trying with my 2nd lesson plan and now again with the 3rd and still no idea. Let me know if you figure it out!

No votes have been submitted yet.

Tue, 01/22/2013 - 14:51

Sorry, gang! Bug in the system that popped up this morning. We're fixing it now... BUT - raindrops only work with Reviews, not Comments. Reviews are only available at the end of activities, not anywhere else on the website. If you want to Review an Activity, go to the Activity on the main website (not Workshop Resources section) and go from there.

Mahalo for your patience!

1 votes with an average rating of 1.
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.