We prepped this Activity over 2 class periods by reading the website explanations and examples. Then we set-up our "mock reef" in the classroom just like the one in the TSI workshop. We used three patterned sheets, 18 shoe boxes and all of the blue tickets, orange 1/2 cards, pink index cards, and green popsicle sticks that TSI provided for "organisms". We used the transects, quadrats, % coverage and all the data sheets. Each Table Group had 4 students, who each participated in the Sampling Activity by having a chosen role. We wrote it up in their Learning Log (lab journal) and had a class discussion before answering the Activity questions. It took 5 class periods, but it is still not really 'done' because their math skills are very weak. I think I will just use this Activity as an Intro to a much bigger lesson on Sampling in the future. We are simply out of time for this Activity now. I wish I had started it earlier in the year and could keep going or go on a field excursion! The kids loved it! But we only have 3 weeks left of school and science labs are only once a week.
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This took a L-O-N-G time with 5 & 6 Grades, any suggestions?
Tue, 05/07/2013 - 22:07
I just had them do just the transect method - I knew I wouldn't have time to do quadrats, too. I also felt it would be a little beyond their abilities.
I did have them name the 'organisms' (urchin, algae, clownfish, etc.) which took a while. The big timeburner, however, was collecting data from other groups. Not sure what to do about this. It still took over an hour and a half...