Activity on Phases of Inquiry
I had a hard time keeping my students focused duringt this activity. It was difficult to explain why we need to break down our steps and analyze how we do things the way we do and what we think about them as we do them. Anyone have an easy time with this activity please let me know and I will re try it with my class. Felt 'canned' but maybe it's just getting used to using new vocabulary and philosophy.
Thu, 01/17/2013 - 19:40
I placed the mode cards on the window and drew a phase diagram chart on a round table using the dry erase markers and had each small group go to the round table to draw/present their steps. Each group had a different color. since it was the first time the had used the cart they were a little unsure of how/why but during the share/compare recap it made more sense and thy liked that they discovered there is more than one way to think about doing things/science. We will use this exercise again in upcoming activities.