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Modes of Inquiry - Scenarios

My students absolutely loved the Modes of Inquiry Scenarios. They were all engaged and enjoyed learning more about their thinking process and what mode they are doing while gaining knowledge. After this mode activity, my students have become more aware of how they gain knowledge, i.e. through technology, induction, deduction. I think the scenarios really helped my students to understand and make connections to the Modes of Inquiry. Thanks for a great lesson! :) It also really helped me to understand the modes and become more confident in my planning with the modes and helping guide my students during class with the phases and modes.


Mon, 02/18/2013 - 11:03

I totally agree with you! This was by far my favorite TSI activity related to the Practices/Phases/Modes of Inquiry. My students were very engaged throughout the activity, and like you said, it helped ME to gain a deeper understanding of the modes. I found myself referring to the modes of inquiry even when we weren't specifically doing a TSI activity. My students also seemed receptive to the idea that they were "doing" science without even knowing it (when they go to the beach, doing research, going fishing, etc.).

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Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.