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Last minute questions :/

Hi Fan,
First off - sorry for the late email, questions and portfolio submittal.

1. So the survey monkey lesson reflections will fill the requirement for the individual lesson reflections. If so, I assume they need a caption, so to do that I guess I need a copy of each and then I can do it all myself.
2. The TSI lesson plans will fill the lesson plan requirements? I also have lab write-up forms for 2 of the 3 labs (soda experiment and density bags). I will include those in the portfolio, too. I will include completed student copies for examples of student work.
3. Are the captions a separate document to accompany each of the required documents or are they a separate doc. It's not clear and I want to do this right the first time to make your job easier and so it doesn't get kicked back and I lose PDE3 credit.

Again, sorry for my tardiness. Thanks, Dan Spitler


Tue, 11/13/2012 - 08:26

Thanks Dan. I think you brought up a very good point. I should send out the Survey Monkey reflections to everybody so that you can comprehend a coherent caption. Will do next time :)

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Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.