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Density Bags

I teach integrated math and science so I adapted the Density Bag activity to demonstrate how scientists use Algebra to create scientific models, collect data, and do research. It was pretty cool to see students "get it" - to make the connection the definition of the word "variable" and how it is used in both math and science. This lead to a great discussion of what "variables" are causing climate change, how the properties of the ocean varies in different regions (i.e. temperature/salinity) and how species adaptation might occur because of new variables. I'm not sure this adaptation would work if students don't have a good understanding of Algebra.

Students really liked this activity, especially when they were able to make their own density bags and mix their own colors. I have limited classroom space, materials, and time so I had to break it up over 3-4 class periods. I also only had space for 1 station, which was very crowded when students were doing their own experimentation.

Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.