9th EWPC – 2005

“Educations and Their Purposes: A Philosophical Dialogue Among Cultures”

May 29 – June 10, 2005

Imin Conference Center
Jefferson Hall

The Ninth East-West Philosophers’ Conference will be dedicated to the singular importance of “educations” — purposely plural — in the shaping of a pluralistic world. Education is the point of departure for the cultivation of human culture in all of its different forms. While there are many contested conceptions of what the curriculum of education might be, no one would challenge the premise that education is a good thing for the future of humanity, and that we should continue to invest heavily in it. Nearly all of the contemporary issues that people of good-will need to address ultimately return to education. It is thereby the focus of this conference to continue the global conversation that enables us, with deliberation, to see where we are going with educations, and why we are going there. Some 200 philosophers and scholars from over 30 countries will participate in this intensive two-week engagement. The Conference is open free to the public.