Pest, Pathogens and Invasive Species

Students who specialize in the Pest, Pathogens, and Invasive Species specializationare prepared to design and implement pest management programs to protect agricultural, urban and natural environments that are most vunerable to invasive arthropods, pathogens and weeds. This specialization trains students to be knowledgeable about integrated pest management, biological control, sustainable pest management and genetic based technologies.
The unique island ecosystems in Hawaii encompass many cropping niches from humid tropical environments to arid temperate conditions. The multitude of agricultural and landscape plants provides a natural laboratory for the interactions between plant, human, and pests, which are part of the PEPS academic and research program.

Career: Students will be prepared for employment in highly-skilled agricultural and landscape related jobs in the field of agricultural and urban pest management, science education, government agencies, agricultural industries, and other environmental resource management professions or graduate studies.

Students selecting this option need to take MATH 140 or NREM 203, BIOL 171/171L and BIOL 172/172L (or their equivalent), and CHEM 161/161L and CHEM 162/162L (or their equivalent) and PEPS 495. Some of these courses will fulfill part of the Natural Science requirement of the UH Manoa General Education Requirements. Some of these courses are considered prerequisites to some courses in the major.

Major Requirements (Specialization in Insect, Pathogen and Invasive Species)

The following courses are required for this specialization:

  • TPSS 200 Agriculture, Environment and Society
  • PEPS 363/363L General Entomology
  • PEPS 405 Plant Pathogens and Diseases
  • PEPS 422 Biocontrol of Invasive Species
  • PEPS 430 Plant Disease Management
  • TPSS/PEPS 481 Weed Science
  • TPSS 304/L Principles of Soil Science
  • TPSS 364 Horticultural Practices
  • TPSS/PEPS 371 Genetics: Theory to Application
  • TPSS 470/L Plant Physiology & Lab


The student must take additional credits from a list of 14 courses. The courses are listed on the Bachelor Degree Program Sheet,

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