About AAUW
The American Association of University Women (AAUW) is a national organization that has focused on achieving equality for women through education, training, economic security, and leadership opportunities since 1881.
AAUW Honolulu was founded in 1905 as the College Club to promote "the higher ideals of education among women,” and became an official branch in 1922. Returning to its roots as a College Club, the Honolulu branch, provides grant funding to the UH Manoa Office of Civic and Community Engagement to support a campus affiliate branch of AAUW to serve our students’ needs. This funding helps to sponsor student interns, supervised by Atina Pascua, Director of the Office of Civic and Community Engagement that plan equity events, promote scholarship opportunities, and conduct outreach to students on AAUW priority areas at UH Manoa and the other UH System campuses interested in AAUW focused activities.

AAUW at UH Mānoa RIO
AAUW at UH Mānoa is a Registered Independent Organization (RIO) whose mission is to promote the values of AAUW, and advocate for women on campus and in the community. AAUW at UH Mānoa works towards equity in our society and provides tools necessary for all women to gain economic security and pursue an education. To become a member, contact aauw.uhmanoa@gmail.com. There are no membership fees, and membership is open to all UH Mānoa students! Members must attend at least two event each semester to maintain active status.
Although the registered organization has members who are University of Hawaii students, the registered organization is independent of the university and does not represent the views of the University. The registered organization is responsible for its own contracts, acts, or omissions. (Board of Regents Policy 7.203).
Why you should join!
In collaboration with AAUW Honolulu Branch, there are a number of scholarship opportunities at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. For more information, please visit https://aauwhonolulu.org/scholarship-and-grants/
The annual National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) is a great opportunity to network and gain valuable leadership tools that will serve you for the rest of your life! For more information, please visit https://www.aauw.org/resources/events/nccwsl/
Pay Equity
Programs such as WorkSmart will help you learn how to negotiate your salary, know your worth, and help close the gender pay gap in society. To learn more about WorkSmart, please visit https://aauwhonolulu.
Help support bills that will create a more equitable society, including Title IX and other women's rights issues! To learn more about AAUW Hawaii's advocacy efforts, please visit https://aauw-hi.aauw.
Want to be part of an empowering community? AAUW is the perfect place to find this kind of environment. Programs such as Honolulu Branch's "Talk Story Tuesday" is a monthly gathering with varying themes that brings people together. Through our RIO we are also working to increase our presence on campus and host events, such as our Na'au Wala'au Women's Empowerment Series to do the same.
Meet the AAUW Team!
Kay Yogi (Communications Intern)
Hello everyone my name is Kay Yogi, I am a third year student at University of Hawai’i at Mānoa studying Animation through the School of Cinematic Arts. I am from O'ahu, Hawai'i and this is my third semester as an AAUW Communications Intern and I look forward to helping promote AAUW through my graphic design work. When I’m not in school I enjoy drawing digitally or trying new restaurants around the island.

Carolina Suhre (Communications Intern)
Howdy! My name is Carolina Suhré and this is my fourth year at UH Mānoa! I am majoring in Sustainability with a focus on environmental ethics, justice and policy. This is my third semester with AAUW as a Programming Intern but I have worked alongside the Women's Centre in the past with sustainable solutions to period poverty! I am very excited to work closely with this awesome group of people! When I'm not working on homework or volunteering, I love being outside: surfing, hiking, walking, napping on the beach. If you see me around say Hi!