Requirements and Registration
Joining AFROTC is really quite easy! If you’re a Freshman or Sophomore, all you need to do is register for our Aerospace Studies course via your school’s registration process. Below are some links that will answer your membership requirements questions. In general to remain a cadet in good standing with the program, all students must:
- Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0; 3.0 is competitive
- Be a full-time college student
- Meet physical, medical, and age requirements
- Maintain a minimum of 80% attendance to ALL training and classes
- General AFROTC Requirements
- AFROTC Academic Requirements
- AFROTC Medical Requirements
- AFROTC Fitness Standards
If you have ANY additional questions, please contact us directly. (Please see our Cadet Timeline section for information on which classes to register for.)
As indicated above, all ROTC cadets are expected to be full time students first. We have teamed up with other schools across the island to allow program access through various host universities. All classes and training are conducted at UH-Manoa’s campus. Students coming from across town will be expected to provide their own transportation.
University of Hawaii Manoa (Host Institution)