Build and develop capabilities for applied materials research using integration of nanoscale engineering and behavior. Study and develop materials applications, material processes, and new physical device systems.
Key elements:
Material processing, material testing, sensor miniaturization, material integration to new applications, device and system design, device testing
Research issues:
Work in Assistant Prof. Brown’s Micro/Nano lab spans from fundamental material physics and mathematics to applications implementing nanoengineering in practical devices. This VIP team provides a framework for student training in materials processing and device engineering based on multifunctional advanced materials. Students have the opportunity for design and development of materials applications based on the interaction of structures with physical effects.
Meeting time:
Assistant Prof. Joseph J. Brown
Mechanical Engineering
Partners and sponsors:
Majors, preparation, interests:
EE, ME, CEE: interest in microfabrication, materials, sensors, device engineering, device testing, packaging, high-temperature materials, prototyping, component design, electronics design, materials testing
EE, ME, CEng: interest/background in programming, image processing, data communication, applied mathematics
Contact information:
Joseph J. Brown, jjbrown@hawaii.edu