Volume 14

2002 14(1) & 14(2)

Spring 14(1)

Christian Citizens: Women and Negotiations of Modernity in Vanuatu
Bronwen Douglas

Mining and the Environment in Melanesia: Contemporary Debates Reviewed
Glenn Banks

Freeport and the Suharto Regime, 1965-1998
Denise Leith

Time Traces: Cultural Memory and World War II in Pohnpei
James West Turner and Suzanne Falgout

Women of the New Millennium: Tongan Women Determine Their Development Direction
Clare Bleakley

Making History, Becoming History: Reflections on Fijian Coups and Constitutions
Brij V Lal

From the Sideline: An Interview with Brij V Lal, Historian and Constitutional Commissioner
Vilsoni Hereniko

Political Reviews
Micronesia in Review: Issues and Events, 1 July 2000 to 30 June 2001
Samuel F McPhetres, Joakim Peter, Donald R Shuster, Kristina E Stege

Polynesia in Review: Issues and Events, 1 July 2000 to 30 June 2001
Frederic Angleviel, Kerry James, Margaret Mutu, Asofou So‘o, Karin von Strokirch

Book and Media Reviews
Pacific Forest: A History of Resource Control and Contest in Solomon Islands, c. 1800-1997, by Judith A Bennett

Islands of Rainforest: Agroforestry, Logging and Ecotourism in Solomon Islands, by Edvard Hviding and Tim Bayliss-Smith
Feature Review by Kathleen Barlow

The Pacific Islands: An Encyclopedia, edited by Brij V Lal and Kate Fortune
Reviewed by Miriam Kahn

On the Road of the Winds: An Archaeological History of the Pacific Islands before European Contact, by Patrick Vinton Kirch
Reviewed by Christophe Sand

The People Trade: Pacific Island Laborers and New Caledonia, 1865-1930, by Dorothy Shineberg
Reviewed by Jacqueline Leckie

The Typhoon of War: Micronesian Experiences of the Pacific War, by Lin Poyer, Suzanne Falgout, and Laurence Marshall Carucci
Reviewed by Anne Perez Hattori

Fiji before the Storm: Elections and the Politics of Development, edited by Brij V Lal
Reviewed by Sandra Tarte

Law and Order in a Weak State: Crime and Politics in Papua New Guinea, by Sinclair Dinnen
Reviewed by Michael Goddard

Governance in Samoa: Pulega i Samoa, edited by Elise Huffer and Asofou So‘o
Reviewed by Stephanie Lawson

Property Rights and Economic Development: Land and Natural Resources in Southeast Asia and Oceania, edited by Toon van Meijl and Franz von Benda-Beckmann
Reviewed by Stuart Kirsch

Dilemmas of Development: The Social and Economic Impact of the Porgera Gold Mine 1989-1994, edited by Colin Filer
Reviewed by Dan Jorgensen

Paradise for Sale: A Parable of Nature, by Carl N McDaniel and John M Gowdy
Reviewed by Scott Kroeker

Identity Work: Constructing Pacific Lives, edited by Pamela J Stewart and Andrew Strathern
Reviewed by Verena Keck

Topics in Polynesian Language and Culture History, by Jeff Marck
Reviewed by Alexander Dale Mawyer

Displacing Natives: The Rhetorical Production of Hawai‘i, by Houston Wood
Reviewed by J Kēhaulani Kauanui

Ethnologie et Architecture: Le Centre Culturel Tjibaou, une réalisation de Renzo Piano, by Alban Bensa
Reviewed by Peter Brown

Papers from Ivilikou: Papua New Guinea Music Conference and Festival (1997), edited by Don Niles and Denis Crowdy
Reviewed by Regis Stella

Hula, Haka, Hoko! An Introduction to Polynesian Dancing, by Ad and Lucia Linkels
Reviewed by Randie K Pong

Breadfruit, by Celestine Hitiura Vaite
Reviewed by Lili Tuwai

Rising Waters: Global Warming and the Fate of the Pacific Islands
Reviewed by John E Hay

Chea’s Great Kuarao
Reviewed by Craig Severance
Fall 14(2)

Editor’s Note
Vilsoni Hereniko

Fa‘a Sāmoa
Barbara Burns McGrath

Maori Retribalization and Treaty Rights to the New Zealand Fisheries
Steven Webster

Whose Knowledge? Epistemological Collisions in Solomon Islands Community Development
David Welchman Gegeo and Karen Ann Watson-Gegeo

Crime and Criminality: Historical Differences in Hawai‘i
Sally Engle Merry

Political Reviews
The Region in Review: International Issues and Events, 2001
Karin von Strokirch

Melanesia in Review: Issues and Events, 2001
Chris Ballard, David Chapped, Anita Jowitt, David Kavanamur, Sandra Tarte

Book and Media Reviews
The Domestic Politics of International Relations: Cases from Australia, New Zealand and Oceania, by Roderic Alley
Reviewed by Stewart Firth

Encompassing Others: The Magic of Modernity in Melanesia, by Edward LiPuma
Reviewed by Deborah Gewertz

Public Policy and Globalization in Hawai‘i. Special issue of Social Process in Hawai‘i, guest-edited by Ibrahim G Aoude
Reviewed by Karl Kim

A Compensation Claims Procedure for Papua New Guinea: Report to the Institute of National Affairs, Port Moresby, by Deborah Dwyer, Terence Dwyer, Graham Ellis, Michael Ward, and Daniel Fitzpatrick
Reviewed by Richard Scaglion

Salote, Queen of Paradise, by Margaret Hixon
Reviewed by Kerry James

Tagi Tote E Loto Haaku—My Heart is Crying a Little: Niue Island Involvement in the Great War 1914-1918, by Margaret Pointer
Reviewed by Betty Ickes

The New Shape of Old Island Cultures: A Half Century of Social Change in Micronesia, by Francis X Hezel
Reviewed by Linda Allen

Unity of Heart: Culture and Change in a Polynesian Atoll Society, by Keith Chambers and Anne Chambers
Reviewed by Nancy J Pollock

The Pattera of Guam: Their Story and Legacy
Reviewed by Barbara Burns McGrath

An Historical Perspective of Helping Practices Associated with Birth, Marriage and Death Among Chamorros in Guam, by Lilli Perez Iyechad
Reviewed by Barbara Burns McGrath

Isles of Refuge: Wildlife and History of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, by Mark J Rauzon
Reviewed by Lynn M Hodgson

Distance Education in the South Pacific: Nets and Voyages, edited by Richard Guy, Toshio Kosuge, and Rieko Hayakawa
Reviewed by Merrily Stover

Weavers of Song: Polynesian Music and Dance, by Mervyn McLean
Reviewed by Barbara B Smith

Staging Tourism: Bodies on Display from Waikiki to Sea World, by Jane C Desmond
Reviewed by Heather Diamond

Hembemba: Rivers of the Forest, by Steven Edmund Winduo

Cook Islands. Special issue of Mana: A South Pacific Journal of Art and Culture, Language and Literature, edited by Jean Tekura Mason and Vaine Rasmussen

From the Spider Bone Diaries: Poems and Songs, by Richard Hamasaki
Reviewed by Rob Wilson

Houses Far From Home: British Colonial Space in the New Hebrides, by Margaret Critchlow Rodman
Reviewed by Michele D Dominy

An American Anthropologist in Melanesia: A B Lewis and the Joseph N Field South Pacific Expedition 1909-1913, edited and annotated by Robert L Welsch
Reviewed by Eric Silverman

Hunting the Gatherers: Ethnographic Collectors, Agents and Agency in Melanesia, 1870s-1930s, edited by Michael O’Hanlon and Robert L Welsch
Reviewed by Larry Lake

Emplaced Myth: Space, Narrative, and Knowledge in Aboriginal Australia and Papua New Guinea, edited by Alan Rumsey and James F Weiner
Reviewed by Edward E Schieffelin

Love Times, written by Vilsoni Hereniko and directed by Megan Evans, Kumu Kahua Theater, Honolulu
Reviewed by Paul Lyons

Reviewed by Michelle M Kamakanoenoe Nelson Tupou

In the Name of Growth—Fiji: A Story of Fisheries Development, Indigenous Women and Politics
Reviewed by Christy Harrington

Where the Rivers Meet—Fiji: A Divided Community and its Struggle for Peace
Reviewed by Katerina Teaiwa

Bosavi: Rainforest Music from Papua New Guinea
Reviewed by Yoichi Yamada